Pyrulea: Skeleton

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About Set Skeletons

A set skeleton is a tool to help you when structuring your set. It helps you keep the number of different types of card balanced across colours and balanced in line with the colour pie. It's particularly useful in early design when you're wanting to make sure you have the right amounts of creatures and other card types in the different colours.

To read more about skeletons, read Mark Rosewater's article "Design Skeletons".

About Set Skeletons In Multiverse

In Multiverse, set skeletons are a particular type of details page, using tables written in the Markdown Extra table syntax. Multiverse will generate the rows of the table for you. If you let Multiverse generate the whole skeleton, it will give you columns for Code, Slot and Card name. If you add extra columns by editing the title rows, then the Generate tab will create the right number of columns for each new row it generates.

Once you've generated your skeleton, each row will start with a link like "(CW01)". At first, these links will be in parentheses, to indicate that no card yet exists with that code. You can click on links like these to create a card with that code. Once those cards exist, the links will no longer be in parentheses. You can thus easily tell which slots in your skeleton have no card at all corresponding to them, and which have at least some information on a card (even if that card is not ready or not even complete).

Generate codes for:
White cards (also blue,
black, red and green cards)
commons, uncommons, rares and mythics (0 total)
Artifact cards commons, uncommons, rares and mythics (0 total)
Land cards commons, uncommons, rares and mythics (0 total)
For a total of 0 commons, 0 uncommons, 0 rares and 0 mythics (0 cards total).
(Note: This just generates the lines of the skeleton table. You can edit the table before you create any cards.)

Show frames: W U B R G Z A L

Show rarities: C U R M

Code Slot Competing Cards Notes
1 CMC creature
2 CMC creature Card76100, Parvia Guardian, Tomb Guard, White Invoker
2 CMC creature, Basic landcycling Card73789 Basic landcycling creatures
2 CMC creature, Discovery
2 CMC creature, First strike
3 CMC creature, Cycling {c} cycling creatures
3 CMC creature , Unbound
4 CMC creature, Unbound Lightslinger
4 CMC creature, +1/+1 counter support
5 CMC creature
Enchantment, Aura
Instant, conditional removal Embrace of Nati, Merciful Fate
Instant, Protection Avoid Conflict
Instant, +1/+1 counters Call for Action, Card74762, Card74926
Sorcery, tap pseudo-removal
Sorcery, Enchantment Removal Card73455, Solemn Offering
DFC, 4 CMC Creature/land cycle
creature, enchantment matters Card75332
creature, +1/+1 counters
creature, {r/w} archetype
creature, "cycle" spot Card73791 cycle
creature, enchantment matters Seeker of Enlightenment
creature, +1/+1 counters
creature Card73032 Card75052 Card75060
sorcery - token making Oltac Congregation Fate of the Fallen
instant, pump, cycling cycle
instant, removal Heroic Light
enchantment, aura, positive
enchantment, creature removal
DFC Minor Noble
CMC 1 creature
CMC 2 creature, Unbound Blue Invoker
CMC 2 creature, Basic landcycling Basic landcycling creatures
CMC 3 creature, Unbound, looter Mite Hunter
CMC 3 creature Yaados Explorer, Emori Seer, Ominous Apprentice
CMC 4 creature, Unbound
CMC 4 creature, Leaves the battlefield
CMC 5 creature, Unbound
CMC 5 creature, Cycling {c} cycling creatures
Enchantment, Aura, Tapdown
Instant, Bounce Sudden Suspension
Instant, Discovery, Mill
Instant, Hard counter
Instant, Soft counter
Sorcery, Cycling
Sorcery, Card draw
Sorcery, Cycling, Creature bounce
DFC, 4 CMC Creature/land cycle
creature, LTB
creature, instant/sorcery matters Card73737
creature, unbound
creature, "cycle" spot Card73793 cycle
creature, unbound
instant, card draw
instant, bounce
instant, soft counter Card75401, Card75506
instant, counter Stifling Convocation , Card75507
instant, pump, cycling cycle
sorcery, big spell payoff Card75141, Spell Shaping
sorcery, tap creatures Dream Rift
enchantment, aura, positive
enchantment, mill Card75402
1 CMC creature, Cycling support Oltac Debt Bound
2 CMC creature, Cycling Black Invoker
2 CMC creature, Basic landcycling Basic landcycling creatures
3 CMC creature, Cycling {c} cycling creatures
3 CMC creature, Discovery Thrull of the Depths, Deathrite Familiar, Card74934
4 CMC creature, Cycling
4 CMC creature, Cycling support
5 CMC creature, Token maker Hatcher Maggot, Card73451
6 CMC creature, Enchantment support
Enchantment, Aura, Positive Untamed Hunger
Instant, Creature/Land removal Autumn's Tragedy, Carrion Plague
Instant, Combat trick Card73675, Swarm Frenzy, Card74719, Stand for Eternity
Sorcery, Hand disruption
Sorcery, Recursion
Sorcery, Removal Card73471, Terrible Journey, Card74628
Sorcery, Card draw
DFC, 2 CMC Life-Hungry Shadow
DFC, 4 CMC Creature/land cycle
creature, enchantment matters
creature, cycling matters Hag Banker Oltac Necromancer
creature, enchantment matters
creature, "cycle" spot Card73790 cycle
creature, LTB Card75336
creature, token maker Corpse Breeder
creature, aggressive Card75031
sorcery - token making Carrion Ritual
sorcery, removal
instant, pump, cycling cycle
sorcery, mass removal
enchantment, aura, positive Broodmother's Mantle
enchantment Corpseheap Incubation Card74423 Flesh Hive
1 CMC creature, Rummaging Fireburst Zealot
2 CMC creature, Cycling support Card73866
2 CMC creature, Basic landcycling Basic landcycling creatures
3 CMC creature, Discovery support Red Invoker
3 CMC creature, Discovery
3 CMC creature, Haste
4 CMC creature, Discovery Reptilian Brawler
4 CMC creature, Cycling Card73502, Seige Commander {c} cycling creatures
5 CMC creature, Basic landcycling
6 CMC creature, Rummaging
Enchantment, Aura, Positive
Instant, Creature burn
Instant, Cycling, Burn
Instant, Discovery, Ritual Unstable Ground, Breaking Parameter, Card73468, Sun Worshiper
Instant, Discovery, Pump Card73492
Sorcery, Basic landcyling, Land destruction
Sorcery, Discovery, Creature burn
DFC, 2 CMC Rallying Forces, Flamepits, Burning Stakes, Card73123
DFC, 4 CMC Creature/land cycle
creature, cycling matters Tempest Incarnation
creature, disovery Card75062
creature, {r/w} archetype Ashna War Priest
creature, "cycling" spot Card73794 cycle
creature, instant/sorcery matters Card75137
creature, cycling Solar Incarnation
creature, discovery Card75138
instant, pump, cycling matters
instant, burn
instant, pump, cycling cycle
sorcery, {r/w} archetype
sorcery, burn Card74006
enchantment, aura, land animation Fury of the Grove
enchantment, increasing discovery
DFC Card74049 Card75389
1 CMC creature, Token maker
2 CMC creature, Unbound Hive Warchanter, Satyr Wayfinder
2 CMC creature, Basic landcyling Card73783 Basic landcycling creatures
3 CMC creature, Token spell Green Invoker
3 CMC creature, Unbound Unbound Explorer
3 CMC creature, Token maker
4 CMC creature, Unbound support Card73473, Underleaf Ranger
4 CMC creature, Discovery Card74816
5 CMC creature, Unbound
6 CMC creature, Cycling {c} cycling creatures
Enchantment, Aura, Discovery, Positive
Instant, Flyer removal
Instant, Discovery, +1/+1 counter
Sorcery, Ramp Discover Territory
Sorcery, Enchantment/Land removal
Sorcery, Cycling, Bonus land drop
Sorcery, Basic land search, +1/+1 counter
DFC, 3 CMC Apprentice Conjurer, Lifebond, Card73219, Binding Energy
DFC, 4 CMC Creature/land cycle
creature, discovery
creature, unbound
creature, +1/+1 counters Card73684
creature, "cycle" spot Card73795 cycle
creature, token maker Card74008 Card73682 Card75133 Crawling Creepers Hive Spawn
creature, aggressive Card75136, Undergrowth Gargant
creature, unbound? Keeper of the Crucible
sorcery - token making
instant, +1/+1 counters
instant, pump, cycling
sorcery, team pump Natural Morphology
sorcery, ramp Nomadic Lust
enchantment, aura, land animation
enchantment, increasing discovery
{w/b} Trials of the Oltac, Starlight Wings
{u/b} Double Recoil
{u/r} Fluctuator Mage, Brilliant Taskmage
{b/g} Relentless Swarm
{r/g} World as Will, Explorative Impulse, Bloodsap Elf
{r/w} Solar Paladin
{g/w} Canopy Baloth
Legendary {w/b} Leader
Legendary {u/r} Leader
Legendary {b/g} Leader
Legendary {r/w} Leader
Legendary {g/u} Leader
Artifact creature
Artifact creature
Artifact, equipment Cloudchase Kite
Artifact Deserted Manalith
Enemy color tapland
Enemy color tapland
Enemy color tapland
Enemy color tapland
Enemy color tapland
DFC Animate
DFC Animate
DFC Animate
DFC Animate
DFC Animate
Legendary Land