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Generated at 2024-09-13 17:17:32
Set name Owner Public access Cards Recent activity Description
Infinite Potential Well dude1818 Viewable 1332 00000000 2024-09-13 16:40:13: dude1818 created and commented on the card Lightning Bug Bolt Throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
--- biancospino Viewable 31 00000000 2024-09-13 08:34:22: biancospino edited Credit Merchant:

mana cost 2w->3w

Blairdhile: Horrendous Heaven Sorrow Viewable 21 00000000 2024-09-11 22:11:41: Sorrow created the card Dolzer, Percussion of Submission A tyrant angel claims its trying to save the plane, but the angel gives only destruction and vengeance.
[Assorted] Card Repository SecretInfiltrator Viewable 6024 00000001 2024-09-11 10:39:38: SecretInfiltrator created and commented on the card Journey to Skarrg
zzo38 (no specific set) zzo38 Viewable 429 00000001 2024-09-10 22:48:39: zzo38 imported cards (1 created, 0 updated) into zzo38 (no specific set) Various ideas which do not correspond to any card set
Cards With No Home Alex Editable 2894 00000001 2024-09-10 08:21:33: Aidan created the card Dimitri, Fearless Berseker Cards that don't fit into our actual themed sets. Open to all: throw your random ideas in here, or come along for some random ideas for your set.
QPF Qube Viewable 42 00000000 2024-09-09 03:51:35: Qube edited Tome of Trials golarian collaborative set, WIP
temporary storage Sorrow Viewable 941 00000000 2024-09-09 01:48:27: Sorrow created and commented on the card Ice-Breath Adept bleh
Story Cards Ashenstern Viewable 323 00000000 2024-09-08 23:36:11: Ashenstern edited Smiling Porcelain Misc. card ideas, mostly based on stories I enjoy and stories I've written
Metadesign Collaborative amuseum Editable 21 00000001 2024-09-08 22:36:00: amuseum edited Tidal Influence Share and discuss general designs, theories, and mechanics
Conversation Alex Editable 142 00000006 2024-09-06 22:23:53: amuseum commented on How much do you use NWO? A venue for discussions about Magic design
[Modernized] Ravnica Block SecretInfiltrator Viewable 7 00000000 2024-09-06 10:13:14: SecretInfiltrator created and commented on the card Bathe in Light Card-by-Card Remakes of Existing Cards
[DSK] Duskmourn: Horror of the House SecretInfiltrator Viewable 9 00000000 2024-09-06 10:00:38: SecretInfiltrator created and commented on the card Underling of the Floodpits Riffing on "Duskmourn: House of Horror"
Custom Minecraft Cube BoxCrate Viewable 0 00000001 2024-09-03 20:35:29: BoxCrate created the cardset Custom Minecraft Cube
Wings of Fire Emma Viewable 66 00000000 2024-09-02 15:15:09: Emma edited Beloved Snail Based on the WoF books
Alxzarza: Death in the Desert Sorrow Viewable 249 00000000 2024-09-02 11:09:07: Sorrow commented on Gemcrown Pronghorn Don't you forget about dying. Don't you forget about your friend Death. Don't you forget that you will die. Wild West meets death plane
Space Eldest03 Viewable 0 00000001 2024-09-01 15:55:37: Eldest03 created the cardset Space Robots VS Aliens
Traditions of Glasmarn Sorrow Viewable 254 00000000 2024-08-28 00:05:05: Sorrow created and commented on the card Old Beetle's Soil Folk horror setting