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Inspired by jmgariepy's Mashup:The gathering set,
I will post a list of 10 randomly generated cards.
Those who want to participate can create up to 5 cards (by combining two cards from the pool – each card can only be used once)
I will post a list of 10 randomly generated cards.
Those who want to participate can create up to 5 cards (by combining two cards from the pool – each card can only be used once)
Create a cycle of 2/2 creatures with maximum converted mana cost of

etc – though each card must have the same converted mana cost) each with a non keyword ability that links them in an obvious way.
You can create them at any rarity but your entire cycle must be of the same rarity.

You can create them at any rarity but your entire cycle must be of the same rarity.
Design three creatures, each of which is an iconic creature type for one colour but is not that colour itself.
Design a rarity cycle starting with a Mythic Rare Planeswalker, and two spells with that Planeswalker's name in it. See the comments section for more details.
Design two uncommon, rare, or legendary cards with 0 to 5 words of rules text.
Take one (or more) of the 20 uncommon Legendary Creatures from the Legends block (see list in comments) and redesign it from a modern design view as a Rare.
Oracle Casting Cost and Creature Typeline CANNOT change, the name can be modified but must still be recognizable, and the redesigned card should be in keeping with the original printed flavour text/art. Otherwise, go wild.
Oracle Casting Cost and Creature Typeline CANNOT change, the name can be modified but must still be recognizable, and the redesigned card should be in keeping with the original printed flavour text/art. Otherwise, go wild.
Design a one-drop Commander. That is, a Legendary Creature that can be cast on turn 1 in Commander/EDH if it's your Commander/General.
Take an existing creature type that has 6+ creatures of that type but no non-Legendary "Lord" specific to it. For that creature type create a "Lord" of that type and a Tribal Spell (Enchantment, Instant or Sorcery).
Design two creatures whose abilities hose each other or seem like opposites, and yet at the same time would work well together in a deck.
Top down art design. See comments.
Design one or more lands each affiliated with a type of creature.
Top down mechanics design. See comments.
13 – lucky for some, unlucky for others.
Design one or more cards that evoke luck (good and/or bad)
Design one or more cards that evoke luck (good and/or bad)
Choose a movie, TV series or video game. Design two instant or sorcery cards to represent actions taken by the characters or events from the story. One should be cheap (<=3 mana), one should be expensive (>=4 mana).
Top down flavor text design. See comments for more details.
Design a 1-cost planeswalker; that is, a planeswalker with a converted mana cost of 1.
Design three one-mana noncreature spells of different colours, with iconic effects for those colours, each of which could have appeared in a particular block from Magic's past but didn't.
Design 3 cards with a casting cost that includes the "purple" mana symbol. See Comments for more details.
Creatures in magic have two numerical scores, Power and Toughness, or three if you count converted mana cost. If there were a third number on creature cards, what would it represent? Design two creatures of different rarities depicting your vision of what this third number might be.
Design are finishing off a small set, and they want a 2-droppable piece of equipment. (That is, casting and equip costs add up to 2.)
What can it be?
What can it be?
Create a new creature type for Magic the Gathering. You may either use a creature that Magic has yet to employ, one they've shuffled into another creature type, or one you created from scratch, but has a flavorful element that ties them together. Create three creatures with this type.
Design a Mythic Rare Land. (The only two Mythic Rare Lands currently are Eye of Ugin and Strip Mine.)
Click Gatherer's Random Card link to find a card not in a tight cycle. (You can find up to three such and choose one of them.) Design four other cards expanding that card into a tight cycle.
Design two Magic Cards based on the cards from other games. See the comments.
Create a card whose name is the same as an existing printed Magic card, but punctuated or divided differently. Make the card's function as different as possible to the printed card.
Design an Archenemy scheme.
Design a creature and a non-creature whose mana costs include at least two hybrid mana that don't share a color in common.
Design three cards in a vertical cycle based on rarity. Those cards must be mono-colored, and cannot share a color.
Design two "Future-Shifted" cards with different mechanics, but who's flavor puts them on the same plane.
Design up to three Transform cards that start as one type of permanent and transform into a totally different type of permanent (they don't all have to be the same start/transformed type)
The current (real) Magic card types are instant, sorcery, creature, land, enchantment, artifact, and planeswalker. Wizards likes to include Tribal, but let's face it, it's not really a type like the others. Design a new card type.
Design a card/cards themed around a frog or other semi-aquatic creature.
Design a card riffing off of the previous Challenge # 033 card's design. You may only submit one card at a time, but, may make multiple submissions, assuming they are spaced between other people's submissions.
Design cards (preferably a cycle) using someone else's card type from Challenge # 031 and/or someone else's mechanic from Challenge # 029. Give credit where it is due.
Magic has fundamental rules.
Remove one, and come up with a card or two that lives in the new environment.
Remove one, and come up with a card or two that lives in the new environment.
Is a rule fundamental? Up to you.
Wizards has decided to 'return' a few of the old creature types that players regularly say should come back. Choose one of the following creature types – Shark, Dinosaur, Mummy, Lycanthrope – design one (or more)Signature creatures for one of the returning types that Showcases why it was chosen to return.
Oh No! The year is 2016 and Wizards has made a terrible mistake, letting a deck by the name of Boney Control get out of Control!
Design a counterspell with a mana cost not yet used in this challenge.
Design a card with the same name as a release of Ubuntu, the Linux kernel, or similar.
Design a Plane card.
Design a red card evoking an emotion other than anger.
Create an uncommon planeswalker (or even a common one).
Design a card with a converted mana cost of 7 or greater for Spike. For a bit of extra challenge, use the Gatherer's random card function to determine the card type.
Design a card for Timmy with a converted mana cost of 1 or less. Do Not add hidden costs into the card.
Design an un- card parodying the trend for higher powered creatures in standard magic.
Design a horizontal or vertical cycle showcasing a mechanic; see comments for details.
Design a card that represents a non-human child and one card to represent that child's actions or outlooks.
You've been assigned to help design the upcoming expansion for 2016 called "Return of the Weatherlight". Create a Legendary Creature and a Legendary Artifact. See notes for details.
Design a card based upon the name [in brackets] from the last commenter in this thread. When you are done, link to your card in a new comment to this thread and add a new word for the next designer [in brackets].
Create a card that cares about tokens and a token to go with that card.
Design a creature with power and toughness precisely 4 less than its converted mana cost, and/or a creature with P/T precisely 2 more than its converted mana cost.
Design an apparently innocuous card that has the potential to be format warping or broken.
Its time to revisit the first challenge and a popular feature here – the mashup.
See the Messages for the list of cards.
Rules are simple mash up 2 cards until all 10 are used, a card can only be used once.
See the Messages for the list of cards.
Rules are simple mash up 2 cards until all 10 are used, a card can only be used once.
Create a hybrid card that cares about the number of cards in your exile zone.
Design a Vanguard Avatar. You must use a Planeswalker introduced in Lorwyn or later as your subject.
Design five cards, one of each color, with each card having a mechanical synergy with the next in WUBRG order. (bit more detail in comments)
Design a Space: The Convergence equivalent of an existing magic card.
Design a Space: The Convergence card that couldn't easily exist in normal magic.
Use Alex' random card generator and pick one of the three results to "clean up" into a Magic card that 'could' see print in a non-Un set. (see comments for the link)
Make a card with "You lose the game" in it's rules text.
Art Challenge #2
Design a card or cards around the art provided in the comments.
Design a card or cards around the art provided in the comments.
Pun challenge! Create a pair of cards whose names are both a group of animals and something else.
Look through the 'Cards with No Home' set, find a card you like, and design two cards that would exist well in the Magic set that card could live in.
Design a Christmas card that could be given away as a promo card.
Design one or more four-color cards.
Create a keyword mechanic whose name is confusingly similar to an existing keyword mechanic in Magic, but whose effect is as different as possible. Create one or two cards showing off your new mechanic.
Design a two-colour card that takes a very different approach to that colour-pair than the corresponding Ravnica guild. E.g. a non-aggressive slow 
control card.

Design a magic card based on a real-world place or event.
Create a card that is a deliberate example of how NOT to design a card. Then create a "fixed" version of someone else's card.
Design a flip card.
Mark Rosewater said "Dragon's Maze was one of the hardest designs we've had in a long time because it had so many constraints put on it. I'll talk more about the design as we get closer." Design a Rare or Mythic Rare from Dragon's Maze
Design a good card with at least two abilities which have no synergy with each other.
Think of two blocks that were never in Standard at the same time. Imagine that they now are. Design a card for the first block intended to tease the next block, and a card for the second block intended either as an answer, or companion card for the first.
Choose two previous design challenges at random. Design a card that fulfils both.
Arggh! Welcome to the first design meeting for the next block: Pirate World. Design two cards, each featuring a new mechanic for the set, one (or both) of which must contain a new keyword.
+1 Take an existing Legendary Creature/Character and turn them into a Planeswalker
-1Note: They must be one that hasn't been a Planeswalker in real Magic – e.g. Karn, Venser
-1Note: They must be one that hasn't been a Planeswalker in real Magic – e.g. Karn, Venser
Create a card named after a song title.
Design a card that works equally well with Alpha rules and cards as with current ones.
Extra credit--Publish both modern and Alpha versions of the card.
Extra credit--Publish both modern and Alpha versions of the card.
Choose a random number (link in comments). Design a burn spell with that converted mana cost.
Welcome to a brain-storming session for the next block based on fairy tales. Today's objective: Create a number of artifacts appropriate to this world.
Choose a common creature. Create a legendary creature based on that creature.
Design a "charm" which has a mana cost shared by no previously printed charm.
A charm is a modal instant, or occasionally, sorcery, with at least three modes.
Create a card with a random effect.
For the purpose of this challenge, relying on looking at the top of your deck in a stackable way is not random.
For the purpose of this challenge, relying on looking at the top of your deck in a stackable way is not random.
Design a Tribal Keyword or Ability Mechanic, or a Tribal Keyword Action.
Design a terrain.
Go to and push the Random Card button until you get a non-Mythic, non-basic land card. Find a way to make that card a Mythic Rare.
Design a card/cards that would fit into a top-down designed set based on Scandinavian (Nordic/Viking) mythology.
-2 Choose a planeswalker with 2 or less "signature spells".
+1Design such a spell.
+1Design such a spell.
Design a "guild" mechanic that can be used in a ravnica-type block to encourage making a deck with these two colors, or that encourage 2-colored decks in general.
Think of it as "Mechanics for Ravnica that push toward single-guild decks instead of generalized multicolor"
Think of it as "Mechanics for Ravnica that push toward single-guild decks instead of generalized multicolor"
Boulderfall + free 5/5 Dragon = Bogarden Hellkite.
Pick a bad instant or sorcery and add on a relevant free creature to make it rare/mythic.
Pick a bad instant or sorcery and add on a relevant free creature to make it rare/mythic.
Design a split card, or two or more separate cards related to each other, using different pieces of art from this challenge. (See first comment.)
Create a functional reprint. Flavor text is mandatory.
Design one or more preview cards that could be included in a new duel deck as preview card for a return set. This may be an uncarded character, a redesigend version of a previous legend, or something else entirely.
Design a cycle of cards, appealing to Timmy, Johnny, Spike, Vorthos and Melvin.
Design a card that can only be cast at sorcery speed.
Welcome to day one design for Planar Chaos II.
Choose a mechanic and swap it into a different color on the color pie. Design two cards around your change, and be prepared to defend your decision.
Choose a mechanic and swap it into a different color on the color pie. Design two cards around your change, and be prepared to defend your decision.
Design a card with the "giant" creature type.
The Triple Mash. Take a card from Cog A in the comment section, a card from Cog B and a a card from Cog C and mash them together to form a new card.
Wizards of the Coast/Hasbro and Twentieth Century Fox will collaborate to make a movie based on Magic multiverse, presumably focused on the current cast of planeswalkers.
Your goal here is to choose an actor or actress to play such a neo-planeswalker, find a photo of that actor/actress befitting that character and paste it onto your card, which could be a new planeswalker card (e.g. Jace, Dark Invader) or something related to that planeswalker (e.g. Jace's Braces).
Your goal here is to choose an actor or actress to play such a neo-planeswalker, find a photo of that actor/actress befitting that character and paste it onto your card, which could be a new planeswalker card (e.g. Jace, Dark Invader) or something related to that planeswalker (e.g. Jace's Braces).
Design a card with new mechanics but the same name, or new name but basically the same mechanics, to any previous card in the thread.
Choose a Multiverse cardset from the thread to this challenge (or at random) that's not your own, and design 2 cards for that cardset.
Choose an aphorism or cliché, and design a card with that name.
Design a card with a converted mana cost of 12 or more.
Create a dinosaur!
Red gets Chaos cards, sometimes. Cards that make stuff go all random on you.
Without being too 'blunt instrument' about it, make something that combos with (some of) them.
Without being too 'blunt instrument' about it, make something that combos with (some of) them.
Something crazy is happened! [Randomly Generated Card] is tearing up Standard! We need to design an answer card that shuts that card down, and slip it into the next block!
Design a hybrid-mana-only guild charm for Ravnica III.
Create a card that produces mana with a restriction or bonus.
Art Challenge #3 meets Space: the Convergence. Also featuring correct picture aspect ratios.
Design a cycle of cards with four (or fewer) colours.
Design a cycle of land cards with abilities other than mana production. (The abilities may be static, triggered or activated.)
Added challenge: Make your lands Common or Uncommon.
Design a card that, by its very nature, should be, and is, Legendary.
Top-down design: read the description of the world of Danahar and come up with a card that belongs in the setting.
Design a card with an effect that gets better as the card or effect's cost increases. The cost cannot include X.
Choose a plane that so far has been primarily represented by mono-color cards and design a multi-colored card for it.
Design a cycle of five Sphinxes.
Make a common or uncommon Alara mini cycle for Bant or Grixis.
There are cards with an activated ability costing
that restrict you to pay all black mana, all red mana, or all white mana. Design a card with an activated ability costing
that can only be paid with blue or green mana.

Design a semihybrid card (A semihybrid card has normal colored mana and hybrid mana in its cost and can be cast with a single color.)
Design a red fairy or a white fairy.
Create a legendary land to represent an entire plane.
Create a Dragons of Tarkir mechanic for Sultai, Jeskai or Temur.
Note that the clans seem to be moving toward allied colors.
Note that the clans seem to be moving toward allied colors.
Design a multicolor card like executioners swing, with an effect from one color and a restriction or drawback from another color.
Create a two-color command ("Choose two" from four options) where the four options are C, D, C/D, and CD.
A paper is slammed onto your desk. The paper has the name Khans of Innistrad scribbled onto with black crayon, and a green crayon tell you that this will be the next Magic set. No other information is given. Design away!
Create a multicolored Phoenix. It can't use nonred evergreen keywords.
Create a card in the tradition of "Form of the Dragon" and "Form of the Squirrel"
Design a card for an MTG character mentioned in flavor text (who doesn't already have a card), e.g. Callaphe the Mariner or Chadir the Navigator
Top-down design #2!
Read the description of the plane given in the comments, then come up with a card that fits in that setting.
Read the description of the plane given in the comments, then come up with a card that fits in that setting.
Design a single-faced planeswalker card that shows a team-up between two of the planeswalkers we've seen get cards since Lorwyn.
Choose a card from an existing 5-cards cycle, and use it to create a new cycle for reprinting in a new set.
Design two cards for Mungo Mungo.
Create a card from a plane that a Commander 2013 commander could come from.
Design a card for a superhero themed set.
Given the failure of Megamorph as a mechanic Wizards has decided to do a little time travelling and have gone back in time to find a different twist on Morph to have in Dragons of Tarkir.
Design a card with a new mechanical twist on Morph.
Design a card with a new mechanical twist on Morph.
Design cards for Aldubar, Plane of Thieves
Design a split card whose name, rather than combining as a phrase "A and B" contains a HORRIBLE PUN!
Design a split card whose name, rather than combining as a phrase "A and B" contains a HORRIBLE PUN!
Create an enemy manland!
Bonus: Create a full cycle.
Take a legendary creature or planeswalker we've seen since Planar Chaos and create a new version of them in a different color for Planar Chaos 2
Design a card around a pre-existing Magic: the Gathering card name.
Design a card inspired by Phelddagrif
Art Challenge #4: Decopunk
It's an alternate world where Magic: the Gathering had the same beginnings but evolved differently. Aspects of old design, such as drawback mechanics, higher complexity, ante, and awful creatures have become more focused in this alternate present-day Magic. Create the evolution of elements that have been downplayed or removed.
Design a card with a mechanic fitting a previously suggested name
Design "PROPERNAME's charm"
Design a spell that utilizes off of one the previously designed tokens, then design at least one token.
Choose an ability word, a keyword, or a keyword action designed by another user on Multiverse. Create two cards using that mechanic.
Bonus: Combine two mechanics from different users on a single card.
Design a card incorporating the word or words specified by one of the previous approx three posters.
Choose four random numbers, and design a creature card featuring those in converted mana cost, P, T and rules text in some order.
Design a card that could share a cycle with the previous (or earlier) card in the thread.
Design a card that gives an extra turn.
Chaos Orb was never banned and instead has inspired Magic to include cards that have abilities relating to physical skills such as strength, speed, and aim. Design cards for this alternate timeline where one's physical skills were incorporated into Magic:The Gathering.
Design a card that acts as a prosthesis for an element of the game that a player may not have access to. Imagine a player can't draw cards, doesn't have a hand, has no combat phase, or anything else you can imagine. These are still elements of the game but one player does not have access to them. Design a card or cards that would act as a prosthesis, that is something that accomplishes what cannot be done without doing it.
Art Challenge #5 – Post-apocalyptic dieselpunk
Flavorshift things to enemy colors, but keep the colors' mechanical identities the same.
Phyrexianize stuff, Gods, vehicles, integrate arcane to Phyrexian designs, etc.
Design an Incarnation based on one of the words in the first comment, then add a word to the list.
Read the description of Teverin in the initial comment, then design a card that could belong on that world.
Create a card based on the assigned flavor text.
Design a card featuring a never-before-seen or unusual creature type or class, that cares about a never-before-seen or unusual creature type or class.
For example, the Boldwyr Intimidator is a Giant Warrior who can turn creatures into Cowards, which can't block Warriors.
Design a card for a set containing goblin tribal or zombie tribal.
Design a cycle with more than five cards in
Design a card for a set about the Arthurian legends
Design a card with a number in the text box that's nine or greater.
Flavourtext is a good thing. Base a card on some.
Design a card based on the name of an existing Magic card set.
You can also use the name of a card set from Multiverse, if you like.
Design a noncreature land, enchantment, or artifact that can be your commander.
Randomly choose a colour, converted mana cost, rarity, type, and archetype and design a card that fits.
Wizards said the cycle of Inscriptions is incomplete because they couldn't find a good design for the red or white ones. Let's prove them wrong.
Create a card that could be promoted as Christmas-themed, but could also be printed in a normal black-border set.
Read about Gwanhoz and come up with a top-down card design for the plane.