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CardName: Challenge # 029 Cost: Type: Challenge Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Design two "Future-Shifted" cards with different mechanics, but who's flavor puts them on the same plane. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Design Challenge Basic

Challenge # 029
Design two "Future-Shifted" cards with different mechanics, but who's flavor puts them on the same plane.
Created on 18 Feb 2012 by jmgariepy

History: [-]

2012-02-18 09:20:33: jmgariepy created the card Challenge # 029

I know, I know... we kind of design "Future-Shifted" cards all the time. It's called designing cards. This isn't that, though. You're looking to press the boundaries of what is acceptable on a Magic card, while making sure the card is still playable. It has to fit into a modern Standard environment, and feel out of touch within the realms of modern design constraints.

Also, I added a small constraint that says that these must flavorfully come from the same world... but you wouldn't automatically guess that by looking at the mechanics on the card. Don't kill yourself over that restriction... I just didn't want to see "Mechanic X. Now an extrapolation on Mechanic X." This is supposed to be Future Sight II. We don't have room for extrapolations.

Ok, note implemented.

­Ashwalker Dryad and Sanctuary City

I made Knight of the Starlit Eye and Elfish Meddling, both of which require some rules changes.

Added Old Man Rabbit and Favor of the Moon. Old Man Rabbit sent me to a Native American world, which I explored, and ended up with Favor of the Moon. I'm not sure how.

I created I am Nothing and Potent Imagination. I didn't intend for them to be on Kamigawa, but it kind of happened. Is it a problem if I used a pre-existing plane?

I don't see why it would. A lot of Futureshifted cards come from preexisting planes.

Nice challenge. I created Industrial Infiltrator and Council Resolution. They're from some kind of industrial setting with political machinations; could be Soradyne Laboratories, actually :)

Good question. It seems designing a specifically futureshifted card is somewhat different to what we usually design, even if it's hard to describe how.

­Fine Charger
­Island Turtle

Just created a new type - Aggression Inhibitor. see for full details of how disrupts work.

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