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CardName: Conjured Djinn Cost: 6U Type: Creature - Djinn Pow/Tgh: 4/5 Rules Text: Conjured Djinn costs {X} less to cast, where X is your Wizard tech level. (Your Wizard tech level is the total number of colored mana symbols among mana costs of Wizards you control.) Flying, hexproof Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: [Assorted] Card Repository Uncommon

Conjured Djinn
Creature – Djinn
Conjured Djinn costs {x} less to cast, where X is your Wizard tech level. (Your Wizard tech level is the total number of colored mana symbols among mana costs of Wizards you control.)
Flying, hexproof
Illus. Christos Karapanos
Updated on 25 Mar 2017 by SecretInfiltrator


History: [-]

2017-03-13 09:39:25: SecretInfiltrator created and commented on the card Conjured Djinn


  • mechanic showcase: tech level
  • added rarity
  • v 2.0 (tech level has been reworked from its foundation)
  • shroud >> hexproof

Original tech level prohibited you from casting a card altogether without the required tech level. Here I reinterpret this as a favorable casting cost if you have a higher tech level.

2017-03-24 07:30:29: SecretInfiltrator edited Conjured Djinn:

illustration: added

2017-03-24 07:33:38: SecretInfiltrator edited Conjured Djinn

­Conjured Djinn has been chosen as the first Card of the Day and to celebrate this event the card receives art by Christos Karapanos and an update to the tech level reminder text.

So in what kind of set do you see tech being used? I don't find a statement like "I'm so hi-tech right now!" particularly "magicky."

For this particular card it might make more sense (if not for the whole mechanic) if it counted the total number of colored mana symbols among wizards (ie. more like devotion). I think players generally like more the style of "building my board" compared to "protect my few crucial pieces." Or maybe at that point this might as well just say "where X is the number of Wizards you control"...

Compared to devotion this also seems harder to understand.

The mechanic "tech level" has been created bottom-up as something similar to research upgrades in an RTS game.

A fitting term for a fantasy setting has yet to be found.

I also adjusted the reminder text of tech level again.

Yeah, I suspected "tech level" was a placeholder term.

So what is this "Card of the Day" thing you mention? I would feel iffy about placing a card with an unfinished mechanic for such a slot. "Of the day" also seems too frequent. Weekly or monthly is likely much more manageable.

Going into more detail on what kind of set I might see this being used in... in general something tribal/faction-based.

I never specifically put it into a file (hence they're here in "Assorted". Things I might have imagined could be Orc tech level for WarCraft or Protoss tech level for StarCraft - maybe adding a Research enchantment subtype and have a Research tech level for a set based on Sid Meyer's Civilization? Not every custom set is equally "magicky" after all.


I presented my thoughts on the featured card in the general card set comments since that is nothing specific to this card.

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