[Assorted] Card Repository: Fragmented Permanents

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­Angel-Gaze Fragment, Drake-Wing Fragment, Vampire-Fang Fragment
­Lightning-Chasis Fragment, Wurm-Coil Fragment, Guardian-Armor Fragment
­Sprite-Flare Fragment, Doom-Spike Fragment, Seed-Blessing Fragment

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I immediately attack with a fusion creature?
A: If it has haste. Fusing fragments creates a new fusion object at the time the fuse action occurs. So if it happens during your turn you didn't control a fused creature since the beginning of your turn.

Q: What's fusion? Another new card type?
A: Nope. The new permanent (usually a creature) is represented not by a single card nor by a token - a new term seems appropriate and also allows for easier reference that is useful for rule text and reminder text. Saying "fusion creature" is quite similar to saying "token creature" and there are many situations where they are used in a similar fashion.

Q: Can I destroy my opponent's Wurm-Coil Fragment with Vindicate?
A: Yes, if it is a defused fragment on the battlefield. For the final cards there would be a special card frame, but let's look at the current way I'm grouping stuff in the text box is the following:

  1. Abilities of the fragment object.
  2. Between '' a list of card types that determine what the fragment can be fused with and into what. Multiple types are separated by '|'. A type may have subtypes which apply only if the fusion is the applicable card type and do not restrict what other fragments can be fused with.
  3. Abilities of the fusion - and only the fusion.
  4. Optionally a power or toughness for creatures between '<' ans '>'.

This is why Sprite-Flare Fragment has flash before the list of card types and why hexproof will only protect the fusion on Wurm-Coil Fragment.

Q: So can I use Vindicate to destroy Wurm-Coil Fragment while it is fused with Angel-Gaze Fragment?
A: Nope. Fusing two (or more) fragments will cause their game objects to cease existing. There will be a new permanent game object that starts to exist on the battlefield and is represented by both (or all) fragment cards.
There is no longer a fragment permanent for you to target and destroy only a new creature - and it has hexproof!

Q: I control Essence Warden and fuse a creature. Do I gain life?
A: I think that 'yes' is the most intuitive answer. People will assume it anyway and at least one of the fragments actually is entering the battlefield at the time, so it seems like the most appropriate ruling.
As a rule of thumb: Fusing into an object will have the general same effect as if the same object would have been put onto the battlefield as a token.

Q: Speaking of tokens: Let's say I created a token copy of a fragment (they are permanents and it could happen), can I fuse it into something? Will the token persist?
A: That's a hard one. I decided to allow the fusion and to let the token persist - let's just be happy that it's not a likely scenario to happen all the time.

Q: What's the name of the new creature/permanent?
A: "Fusion". All of them.

Q: What combines, what doesn't?
A: As a fragment enters the battlefield you may choose a single one of its fusion types (the ones between '<' and '>') and any number of defused fragments you control with the same fusion type. For fusion types only the card types count.
Those fragments fuse.
For the fusion of creatures there is the special prerequisite: The fusion must have exactly one fragment with a power-tag and one creature with a toughness-tag.
All other characteristics of the fragments are not relevant to determine what can fuse with what.

Q: Mana costs/colors/p/t/creature types/names?/ Does it even have a name?
A: The new fusion permanent has the following characteristics:
Mana costs: each mana cost of each fusion. Similar to a split card in a library.
Colors: Same as mana costs.
P/T: If the fusion contains exactly one fragment with a power-tag and exactly one fragment with a toughness-tag it is a creature with power and toughness determined by those two values.
Creature types: The fusion is the card type you choose to fuse it into and has each subtype printed with the card type on any fragment.
Names: The name of any given fusion is "Fusion".

Updated on 17 Jun 2018 by SecretInfiltrator