[Assorted] Card Repository: Retroactive Archetypes

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The idea is to retroactively create draft archetype signpost uncommon cards for canonical blocks to eventually use in a remastered-style set that condenses the block.

Table of Content
[ODY][TOR][JUD] Odyssey-Torment-Judgment
[ONS][LGN][SCG] Onslaught-Legions-Scourge


[ODY][TOR][JUD] Odyssey-Torment-Judgment

Themes and mechanics across the block:

Keywords/ability words across the block:

Good unused potential:

CC Theme Sample Cards
{w}{u} Iridescent Angel? Same name? Sacrifice? Lhurgoyf? Noncreature? (UZ01)Aven Spiritualist

{u}{b} Shadowmage Infiltrator ???Cephalid self-mill??? Psychatog-Upheaval? (UZ02)Shrouded Cephalid

{b}{r} Vampiric Dragon + Chainer, Nightmare Adept madness? (UZ03)Dementia Warlock

{r}{g} Decimate Flashback by color: RG ~16 each WUB ~8 each (UZ04)

{g}{w} Threshold (since Mystic Enforcer/Hunting Grounds) Green has many tokens, white a few (UZ05)

{w}{b} Strangler (modern)?? Sacrifice!? (UZ06)

{u}{r} Flashback would make sense (but see RG vs. Quiet Speculation?) rev. Strangler (UZ07)

{b}{g} colorshift Phantom Nishoba? (UZ08)

{r}{w} colorshift Mirari's Wake? (UZ09)

{g}{u} colorshift Anurid Brushhopper? (Oh, no... I almost forgot... UG Madness!!!) (UZ10)


[ONS][LGN][SCG] Onslaught-Legions-Scourge

Themes and mechanics across the block: Gustcloak, Mistform, Slivers, "CMC-6-or-more matters", "Cost matters", Decrees, Dragons, Creature types Keywords/ability words across the block: Fear, Amplify, Provoke, Cycling and landcycling, Double strike, Morph, Storm

CC Theme Sample Cards
{w}{u} (UZ01)

{u}{b} (UZ02)

{b}{r} (UZ03)

{r}{g} (UZ04)

{g}{w} (UZ05)

{w}{b} (UZ06)

{u}{r} (UZ07)

{b}{g} (UZ08)

{r}{w} (UZ09)

{g}{u} (UZ10)


CC Theme Sample Cards
{w}{u} (UZ01)

{u}{b} (UZ02)

{b}{r} (UZ03)

{r}{g} (UZ04)

{g}{w} (UZ05)

{w}{b} (UZ06)

{u}{r} (UZ07)

{b}{g} (UZ08)

{r}{w} (UZ09)

{g}{u} (UZ10)

Updated on 07 Nov 2021 by SecretInfiltrator