[Assorted] Card Repository: Checklist

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A table for a chechlist to

Category {w} {w} {u} {u} {b} {b} {r} {r} {g} {g}
exile cre until xx soft counter xx destroy creature xx cheap ddmg xx +N/+N ueot xx

xx hard counter xx -N/-N UEOT xx costly ddmg xx mana-fixing xx

xx cheap flier xx discard xx cheap haste cre xx ramp xx

xx medium flier xx sui-black xx xx efficient cheap xx

xx draw 2/3 xx xx destroy art xx destroy art xx

detroy enc xx xx LD xx xx destroy enc xx

life gain xx xx life drain xx xx life gain xx

pacifism xx xx cre-locking aura xx xx xx

xx xx life loss xx pinger xx xx

weenie xx xx xx panic xx lure xx

token xx xx xx menace xx trample/daunt common xx

cheap flier xx xx xx xx reach creature xx

combat trick xx xx xx combat trick xx xx

low pow, high tough xx low pow, high tough xx xx xx xx

flicker/blink xx flicker/blink xx resilient/regenerator xx ritual xx xx

xx scry+draw/anticipate xx raise dead xx xx xx

xx bounce xx zombify xx xx xx

rare flier xx rare flier xx xx ball lightning xx xx

xx xx ins/sor recur xx xx xx

xx xx mill xx xx xx

xx xx control magic xx control ueot xx xx

xx xx clone xx xx xx

xx xx spell copy/redirect xx xx anti-flying removal xx

combatant removal xx xx xx pyroclasm xx fight/bite xx

Mass cre removal xx xx xx xx xx

P/T=cre xx unblockable creature xx can't block xx attacks if able xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

xx xx xx xx xx

Updated on 26 Oct 2020 by SecretInfiltrator