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Recent updates to ---: (Generated at 2024-10-05 08:57:05)
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Page 1 - Older activity
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Recent updates to ---: (Generated at 2024-10-05 08:57:05)
Page 1 - Older activity
Obvious combo would be with, say, doubling cube. Other than that, Drain Power may be kind of viable, turns this thing into +3 mana. There's also Glissa Sunseeker but that seems pretty awful.
Some effects will count the mana in your mana pool without spending it, so it does have some uses, although not much.
(This is mostly a joke)
cost 1wub -> 2wu
cost -> 1wub
cost 3wub -> 2wub
added Legendary supertype
spells your opponent cast -> spells
mana cost 2w->3w
removed "trample" from choice of counters