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Generated at 2024-07-27 03:24:54
Set name Owner Public access Cards Recent activity Description
Community Set rourke Editable 465 00000008 2024-03-26 00:43:24: zzo38 edited the details page Front Page A combined effort to make a set.
Ma'at Breached 2.0 10vernothin Viewable 219 00000011 2024-03-24 22:29:17: Mister Johnson commented on Restore Ma'at second set of Weh'jed (2.0) This is now a large set using the L-L format
Random stuff Ombra Viewable 17 00000010 2024-03-22 22:09:00: Mister Johnson commented on Foxhole
Plagiarism Cube Phopus Viewable 68 00000013 2024-03-22 21:57:25: Mister Johnson commented on Suspicious Windmills The goal here is to make a set entirely of cards designed based on other IPs (intellectual properties). Each IP gets only one card.
Therrodinkar amuseum Editable 132 00000014 2024-03-22 21:53:52: Mister Johnson commented on Resident Planar Shield Theros - Mirrodin - Zendikar crossover where every creature is also enchantment, artifact, or land
Immersturm Benjamin Draper Viewable 123 00000013 2024-03-22 21:29:13: Mister Johnson commented on Bonebeam Trenches The Immersturm is the continual storm of war, chaos, and lightning that rages across a plane called Valla. The combatants strike back and forth with lightning's fury, forever falling and returning for another assault, the clang of sword-clashes and the death-screams of the vanquished rolling incessantly along the bellies of thunderstruck clouds. You'll be amazed at the change in your own creatures here; bloodthirsty shouts will coincide with the buzzing æther of your summonings as your trusty forces inherit Valla's inbuilt warrior spirit.
Otaria Forever (Import Test) keflexxx Viewable 101 00000014 2024-03-22 20:51:18: Mister Johnson commented on the cardset Otaria Forever (Import Test)
Bionicle Set (Repository and Testing) Theaetetus Viewable 15 00000017 2024-03-15 22:04:51: Theaetetus changed the cardset options for Bionicle Set (Repository and Testing) Figuring out how to use the website, plus storing some cards in the skeleton.
My Universe, My Rules Vitenka Viewable 354 00000006 2024-03-07 01:01:39: dude1818 commented on Loyalty Pact Making the rules of magic bend in all new and interesting ways. Very very temporary stuff here. I think it's gone all 'un' on me.
Misc Design for future sets. Vonmarcus Viewable 573 00000007 2024-03-06 07:44:17: SecretInfiltrator commented on Darwin's Drum Roll These are for a database of cards that are awaiting placement in a future set.
Magic 20XX jmgariepy Viewable 245 00000008 2024-03-06 07:38:57: SecretInfiltrator commented on Double Bear A theoretical future core set expansion featuring a fight between Hellbent and Wisdom.
Magic 20XD6 jmgariepy Viewable 172 00000009 2024-03-06 07:36:43: SecretInfiltrator commented on Triple Bear An expansion to my Core Set, Magic 20XX: Wisdom vs. Hellbent
Discworld Un-Commander Ashenstern Viewable 20 00000003 2024-03-04 12:35:40: Ashenstern edited Binky, Death's Horse
The Way of Kings Glamdring804 Editable 249 00000011 2024-03-01 00:50:29: Ashenstern commented on Honor's Presence A set based on the novel by Brandon Sanderson. Set 1 of the Stormlight Arhcive block.
[Modernized] Invasion Block SecretInfiltrator Viewable 5 00000012 2024-02-29 12:55:05: SecretInfiltrator edited Sapphire Leech:

Suppressed reminder text

Modern take on Invasion
[Modernized] Urza's Block SecretInfiltrator Viewable 23 00000013 2024-02-24 09:39:04: SecretInfiltrator edited the details page Not Quite A Skeleton Card-by-Card Remakes of Existing cards
Aerikal Camruth Viewable 256 00000014 2024-02-22 19:23:41: SecretInfiltrator commented on Forge Elemental When mana returns to a world where it has long been scarce, great events are set in motion