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Generated at 2025-02-13 06:35:16
Set name Owner Public access Cards Recent activity Description
Eden MTG Set Rootben Viewable 0 00000019 2024-07-30 15:14:24: Rootben generated part of a set skeleton in Skeleton MTG Set based on upcoming sci-fi novel
Moranshi- the Abnormal Collectives Sorrow Viewable 249 00000000 2024-07-27 12:10:32: Sorrow edited Cataclysm's Spear The eldritch collective unconsciousness ekes its way the forefront of the present plane.
Wonders of Whimsy jonaaa Viewable 10 00000001 2024-07-25 22:18:32: jonaaa edited a mechanic in Wonders of Whimsy Whacky animals doing whacky things
Legends of Chima Spiritowl07 Viewable 3 00000002 2024-07-23 19:56:12: Spiritowl07 edited Razar, Corvid Kingpin An mtg adaptation of the magical world of Chima (from the Legends of Chima 2012-15)
Priory Pierre Viewable 14 00000003 2024-07-19 13:24:10: Pierre edited Hunted Ghast
America Tanner Viewable 0 00000004 2024-07-18 23:52:49: Tanner created the cardset America America
Alchemy of Fate drummerbummer46 Editable 74 00000005 2024-07-12 20:11:31: drummerbummer46 edited Lawrence A D&D themed around our D&D Campaign
Spaghetti at the Wall biancospino Viewable 99 00000006 2024-07-11 09:25:48: biancospino edited Esoterical Overloading:

changed wording

random stuff I've thought of
[BLB] Bloomburrow Assorted SecretInfiltrator Viewable 10 00000007 2024-07-10 06:50:35: SecretInfiltrator edited Heroic Potential Spoilers!
Ideas Manifested RatLantern Viewable 35 00000008 2024-07-08 23:39:11: RatLantern commented on [B]RG Returner This is just a set of cards we think would be interesting, or are based on our OCs. Not intended to really be a set.
The Eyes Had it Pierre Viewable 86 00000009 2024-07-05 06:53:59: Pierre created a mechanic in The Eyes Had it Random Thoughts and ideas
Romana, Imperial War Rav3nArt Viewable 0 00000010 2024-07-04 05:29:58: Rav3nArt generated part of a set skeleton in Skeleton A civil war based on a plane completely dominated by an aristocratic Rome-inspired empire.
UnReserved Izaac Editable 36 00000011 2024-07-02 08:00:05: Izaac created the card Elpseth Hits The Griddy Some ideas I've had for another Un set
Random Stuff NoobIMayBe Editable 93 00000012 2024-07-01 05:13:57: NoobIMayBe edited Lifeforce Tick Just me and my buds' attempt to spice up our playgroup. Constructive criticism is always desirable :)