Multiverse is a database for custom Magic: the Gathering card sets.
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There are 2331 cardsets in Multiverse right now, including:
- Odrimir by Schmittie (37 cards, last activity on 14 Aug 2021 by Schmittie)
- Abzan Shroom by Kael (42 cards, last activity on 02 Dec 2022 by Kael)
- Designing the Core by Henge Guardian (211 cards, last activity on 18 Jul 2014 by dude1818): Taking Top Down to the Next Level
- M-Core by Camruth (243 cards, last activity on 27 Oct 2019 by Camruth): A Core set following 'Modern' core design principles from M10 onwards.
- Shining Armour by Seabutcher (2 cards, last activity on 23 Jan 2012 by Seabutcher): Top-down set based on Disney movies. I think they lend themselves well to Magic.
- Experimenting with Conduit by mace20 (7 cards, last activity on 09 Dec 2017 by Vitenka)
- Zorn by JohnJohnson (9 cards, last activity on 14 Jul 2021 by JohnJohnson): This is its own card game that i am making, but it plays close enough to MTG, to fit on here.
- Serras Archangels by Patrik Andersson (75 cards, last activity on 08 Jan 2019 by Vitenka): a madeup set to create and draft with friends
- Invasion Block Remake by KeresAcheron (172 cards, last activity on 24 Oct 2018 by KeresAcheron): Invasion Block Remake. High Artifact count to enable multicolour play in limited
- Naya Custom Commander deck by Arkouchie (3 cards, last activity on 25 Feb 2019 by Arkouchie): A commander deck made with mostly to entirely custom cards and commanders.
You might like to see a random selection of all the cards on Multiverse.
There are several community cardsets that are open for anyone to create cards into:
- Testing for creating test cards and playing around
- Cards With No Home for individual card creations that aren't part of a larger cardset
- Silver bordered cards for cards that are sillier or a joke
- Multiverse Design Challenge, where design challenges are regularly posted and everyone's welcome to enter
- Community Mashup Set for if you want to create some "mash-ups", or just find out what those are
- Multiverse Feedback for the "cardset" of feature suggestions, bug reports and similar
- Conversation is for discussion threads about general topics related to Magic or design rather than a specific user-created card.
To create your own cardset, you must first sign in or sign up.