Cards With No Home: Mechanics

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Mechanics | Other non-themed cardsets | Skeleton

Scrounge: You may cast this card for its scrounge cost when it's put into your graveyard from anywhere. If you do, exile it as it resolves. Used on 7 cards: Pull from the Heap, Scrap Barrage, Plunder the Heap, Bury in Dust, Callous Disposal, Junkyard Discovery, Careful Categorization
Shardmind: Creatures you control with shardmind share a single cumulative toughness. Used on 8 cards: Opal Warrior, Sapphire Bastion, Chaos Fragment, Wall of Crystal, Diamond Vanguard, Ebony Demon, Emerald Revoker, Incorporate
Convoke: Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for {1} or one mana of that creature's color. Used on 3 cards: Stoke the Flame, Collective Defiance, Ritual of Remembrance
Linger: This enters the battlefield as it resolves. As it enters the battlefield from anywhere, it loses its sorcery type. Used on 9 cards: Flailing Flames, Winged Whisperer, Walking Words, Ardent Arms, Resonance Residue, Vanquishing Void, Subzero Sculpting, Torrefying Tempest, Permeating Puddle
Invest: As this enters the battlefield, you may exile a card from your hand until this leaves the battlefield. If you do, this enters the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it. Used on 15 cards: Totemic Warrior, Knight of the Noble Path, Smiling Predictor, Seer of Journeys, Seething Nexus, Bloom-Step Druid, Crimson Clairvoyant, Flitting Ephemera, Cultivator of Possibilities, Lunar Lion, Blade of Unity, Vengeant Flame, Curious Experimenter, Noukusheen the Farsighted, Tempest Rider
Elastic: You may pay {1} less or {1} more to cast this for a different effect. Used on 1 cards: Flexible Scheduling
Ancestry: As this enters the battlefield, you may exile a creature card from your graveyard. If you do, this gets +1/+1. Used on 9 cards: Bloodline Breaker, Bloodline Shaman, Prideful Descendent, Worshipful Descendent, Learned Descendent, Tribal Shaman, Respectful Descendant, Regretful Descendent, Tan-Orh, Who Walks With Ancients
Omen: As this enters the battlefield, you may exile a card from your hand until this leaves the battlefield. If you do, this enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it. Used on 3 cards: Dais of Fate, Seer's Stone, Dire Prediction

This is the noncreature version of omen.

Undying: When this dies, if it had no +1/+1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a +1/+1 counter on it. Used on 5 cards: Heavenly Ideal, Earthly Ideal, Prideful Ideal, Scholarly Ideal, Valiant Protector
Arcana: This card costs {1} less to cast for each spell cast before it this turn. Used on 1 cards: Declination
Develop: PARAM1, {t}: If this isn't developed, put a development counter on it. It becomes developed and gains the following abilities. Develop only as a sorcery. Used on 11 cards: Sculpture Park, Office of Production, Fertile Orchard, Sustenance Factory, Duelist's Arena, Fabricated Channel, Narrow Alleyways, Terraced Park, Detective School, Red Light District, Ritualist's Grounds
Disarm: This deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-0 counters. Used on 2 cards: Town Protector, Guilt-Ridden Ronin
Wilt: This card enters the battlefield tapped with a wilted counter on it. Remove a wilted counter by sacrificing X islands. Used on 1 cards: Wilted Lotus

This is a mechanic used to give powerful spells a drawback before they can be tapped.

Settle: You may pair this permanent with an unpaired land when either enters the battlefield. They remain paired for as long as you control both of them. Used on 14 cards: Drifting Mistling, Roosting Kestrel, Goblin Ridge-Dweller, Pasture Fence, Nesting Sphinx, Blood-Fruit Gardener, Watchtower Vanguard, Borderland Protector, Cultivator, Dedicated Farmer, Trade Outpost, Farming Village, Irrigation System, Riverside Cemetery

This is Sorrow's mechanic from Diaspora, as seen on Henbane Herbalist.

gate: Used on 8 cards: Shut the Door, Chakra Flow, Chakra Overflow, Enlightened Rebuke, Chakra Master, Explosion of Chakra, Open // Shut, Open // Shut
Meditate: {3}: You may open or close your gate. Meditate only as a sorcery. Used on 4 cards: Meditative Sphinx, Serene Monk, Bō Dancer, Shrouded Meditant
Entwine: Choose both if you pay the entwine cost. Used on 27 cards: (show) Peculiar Winds, Peculiar Strength, Peculiar Chantment, Peculiar Righteousness, Red String of Fate, Peculiar Infiltration, Peculiar Annihilation, Peculiar Manhandling, Peculiar Soulwrangling, Peculiar Ultimatum, Peculiar Putrefication, Metal's Mettle, Pain by Numbers, Peculiar Savagery, Peculiar Recovery, Peculiar Restoration, Bloodletting Ritual, Unfair Justice, Cryptic Dismissal, Peculiar Distortion, Forked Blast, Peculiar Barrenness, Peculiar Mindsifting, Peculiar Meekness, Peculiar Blinking, Peculiar Aping, Peculiar Portent
Mirror: While blocked or blocking by a creature with greater power, this assigns combat damage equal to that creature's power rather than its own. Used on 3 cards: Midnight Stalker, Maddening Ghost, Skilled Grappler
Dread: Whenever this creature attacks, exile PARAM1 cards from among defending players' graveyards. This gets +1/+1 for each card exiled. Used on 1 cards: Dreadful Wretch

Whenever this creature attacks, exile \1 cards from among defending players' graveyards. This creature gets +1/+1 for each card exiled this way.

A riff on nightmare to give to blue/black as a mechanic that is not about evasion - though its name is similar to fear/intimidate.

Faze: Use power rather than toughness to determine lethal damage to creatures marked with faze damage. Used on 12 cards: Spark-Totem Shaman, Liquid Doubt, Daunting Blow, Seething Sneak, Bark // Bite, Torrefying Tempest, Master of the Art, Maddening Ghost, Violet Orb, Mass of Eyes, Night-Within-His-Shadow, Gut
Overlearn: PARAM1: Exile this from your graveyard. It becomes learned for as long as it's exiled. Once per turn, you may cast a copy of a learned card you own. Used on 3 cards: Student's Research, Ancestral Song, Scroll of Fire
Forerunner: If this card is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. If you do, it can't attack until your third turn. Used on 2 cards: Assault Automaton, Shrine Keeper
Escalate: Pay this cost for each mode chosen beyond the first. Used on 3 cards: Malicious Ending, Xanatos Gambit, Race to Find
Aura Trade: PARAM1: Exchange this Aura with an Aura card in your hand with converted mana cost equal or less to this card. Used on 2 cards: Shifting Armor, Arcanist's Flight
Riposte: "This creature enters the battlefield with PARAM1 riposte counters on it. It has "Remove a riposte counter on this creature: Prevent the next 1 damage dealt to this creature and redirect it to target creature." Used on 1 cards: Fencing Elite

A red and white mechanic, this allows weenies to survive or trade with larger creatures and get a little defensive if needed.

swear an oath: Used on 8 cards: Foilmage's Promise, Addled Allegiant, Spirit of the Pact, Loyalists' Garrison, Sun Priest, Ilsana's Chosen, The Woven Crown, Loyal Goblin
Staff: When this enters the battlefield, if you have less than PARAM1 workers, you gain a worker. Used on 17 cards: Outfitter, Library, Fume Factory, Security Checkpoint, Power Station, Investigation Bureau, Environmental Lab, Greenhouse, Medical Aid Facility, Environmental Research Station, Recruitment Center, Center for Career Studies, Office of Development, Office of Redeployment, Café, Factory, Grocery Store
Trump: This creature can't be damaged by creatures without trump. Used on 1 cards: Donaldo, Orange One
Precognify: At the beginning of the game, before you shuffle, you may reveal any number of cards with precognify in your deck. If you do, for each of them, choose a card name other than a basic land card name Used on 1 cards: Pansophy

Before a game starts, if you know what you want the card to name, you can name it for a benefit. If you don't know what to name or forget to do it, you don't get the benefit and the card is sub-standard.

Dream: Create a colorless Vision enchantment token. It has "Sacrifice X visions: Scry X." Used on 2 cards: Pale-Eyed Observer, Dreambreak
Submit: This isn't a creature while it's attached to a permanent. Used on 6 cards: Autonomous Tendons, Shield of Eyes, Flowering Bastion, Balloon Licid, Crawling Vents, Book of Hands
Retort: Discard a card: Put this spell at the top of the stack. Any player may activate this ability Used on 1 cards: Choice Denial

You may discard a card to move this spell to the top of the stack. For benefits?

Convert : When this card is in your graveyard you may pay 4 then sacrifice or discard 2 artifact cards with at least one of them being a artifact creature, then make a token copy of this card adding the power and toughness of the creature discarded or sacrificed this way respectively and with the additional abilities of the second artifact discarded or sacrificed this way to the token along with original ablilties of the first card and the token is a cyborg warrior in addtitional to its other types. Convert only during your first main phase. Used on 0 cards:

Convert is made to be a late game trick to do when your behind on firepower and need an extra boost in a artifact matters deck.

Psionic: This arrives with a Ψ counter on it. You can move each Ψ counter you control to a permanent you control once per turn whenever you could cast a sorcery. Used on 4 cards: Master of Telekinesis, Psionic Invigorator, Warding Psion, Deadly Psion
**Cumulative upkeep \1**: At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it. Used on 1 cards: Rising Inflation
Unveil: You may tap this counterclockwise if you pay PARAM1 as you tap it. Used on 0 cards:

In card text or details pages, write the mechanic's code name (playtest name) between square brackets, like "[Crittercast]", "[Bushido 1]" or "[Delay 4 {2}{R}{R}]". It will be expanded to the mechanic's name plus reminder text, such as "Suspend 4 – {2}{r}{r}. (Rather than cast this spell from your hand,...)"
To expand a mechanic's name but not its reminder text, include parentheses at the end of the square brackets: "[Crittercast()]", "[Delay 9 {R}()]".