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This site contains a listing of complete and incomplete cycles to help keeping track of patterns and whether removing cards will cause patterns to be broken.

Table of Content
Basic landcycling creatures
Basic landcycling spells
{c} cycling creatures
{2} cycling spells
{2}{c} cantrip cycling spells
Discovery DFC deanimators
Activated DFC deanimators
Common Lands
Uncommon Lands
Rare Boardcycling Lands
Rare Awakening Lands


Basic landcycling creatures Basic landcycling spells {c} cycling creatures {2} cycling spells {2}{c} cantrip cycling spells
{w} CW03 Temple Priest {w} CW16 Cleansing Light {w} CW06 Heatproof Hawk {w} missing {w} CW13 Dispersing Light
{u} CU03 Windcaller Sprite {u} missing {u} CU09 Unseen Servant {u} CU17 Winds of Reversal {u} CU15 Lift into the Skies
{b} CB03 Shadow Broker {b} CB14 Deathcycle {b} CB04 Dark Bargainer {b} CB13 Horrific Visions missing
{r} CR03 Ashna Piker {r} CR16 Seismic Rift {r} CR08 Yaados Militant {r} missing {r} CR13 Spark of Passion
{g} CG03 Shrouded Monk {g} missing {g} CG10 Redwood Elemental {g} missing {g} missing

Note: CG16 Explorer's Boon


Discovery DFC deanimators Activated DFC deanimators
{w} CW19 Sunwind Glider {w} CW18 Everliving Vitality
{u} CU19 Watersac Toad {u} CU18 Archivist's Familiar
{b} CB19 Roothollow Parasite {b} CB18 Hungry Demon
{r} CR19 Graniteback Gecko {r} CR18 Sun Seer
{g} CG19 Epiphyte Elder {g} CG18 Treedream Hopeful


Uncommon Gold 1 Uncommon Gold 2 Rare Gold 1 Rare Gold 2 Mythic Gold Legendary
{w}{u} UZ01 Light Binding {w}{b} UZ02 Starlight Wings {w}{u} (RZ01) {w}{b} (RZ02) {w}{b} (MZ01)
{u}{b} UZ03 Psychosis Stalker {u}{r} UZ04 Fluctuator Mage {u}{b} (RZ03) {u}{r} (RZ04) {u}{r} (MZ02)
{b}{r} UZ05 Cinder Devil {b}{g} UZ06 Barkcrack Lurker {b}{r} (RZ05) {b}{g} (RZ06) {b}{g} (MZ03)
{r}{g} UZ07 Bloodsap Elf {r}{w} UZ08 Solar Paladin {r}{g} (RZ07) {r}{w} (RZ08) {r}{w} (MZ04)
{g}{w} UZ09 Sundew Shaman {g}{u} UZ10 Emori Craftmaster {g}{w} (RZ09) {g}{u} (RZ10) {g}{u} (MZ05)
Common Lands Uncommon Transform Lands Rare Boardcycling Lands Rare Awakening Lands
{w}{u} CL01 Bank Entrance {w} UL01 Windswept Outpost {w}{u} RL01 Marble Lake {w} RL06 Rustling Plains
{u}{b} CL02 Seeing Pool {u} UL02 Menacing Outpost {u}{b} RL02 Drenched Cavern {u} RL07 Drifting Island
{b}{r} CL03 Forgotten Foliage {b} UL03 Drizzling Outpost {b}{r} RL03 Charred Hollow {b} RL08 Bubbling Swamp
{r}{g} CL04 Temple Stairway {r} UL04 Foreboding Outpost {r}{g} RL04 Sun's Edge {r} RL09 Rumbling Mountain
{g}{w} CL05 Plant Sanctuary {g} UL05 Chittering Outpost {g}{w} RL05 Horizon Canopy {g} RL10 Stirring Forest