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CardName: Honest Peek Cost: 2W Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Look at target face-down card in exile. Draw a card. If you've played a card from exile this turn, instead draw two cards. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Royale Uncommon

Honest Peek
Look at target face-down card in exile.

Draw a card. If you've played a card from exile this turn, instead draw two cards.
Updated on 15 Sep 2024 by Carnoraptor

History: [-]

2024-07-06 03:42:17: Carnoraptor created the card Honest Peek
2024-07-07 03:45:46: Carnoraptor edited Honest Peek

This really feels like an effect that needs another thing to go along with it to feel good to play. Maybe it could either give you some kind of advantage (cantrips?) or has something like flashback or retrace.

This is a set where knowing face down things would be nice, but is it 3 mana "do-nothing" nice?

I agree with RatLantern. Too often, this is three mana to do nothing. Even when there is a face-down card in exile to look at, what good will looking at the card do? This definitely needs some kind of advantage.

2024-09-15 21:28:03: Carnoraptor edited Honest Peek

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