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CardName: Binding Metal Cost: {R}{G} Type: Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Nontoken artifact creatures you control have Weld (When this creature would die you may pay {2}. If you do, put this creature on the bottom of your library and put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. ). Whenever you Weld, if Binding Metal is untapped, you may tap Binding Metal and draw a card. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cortraevas: Perpetuality Uncommon

Binding Metal
Nontoken artifact creatures you control have Weld (When this creature would die you may pay {2}. If you do, put this creature on the bottom of your library and put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. ).

Whenever you Weld, if Binding Metal is untapped, you may tap Binding Metal and draw a card.
Updated 4 days ago by Sorrow

History: [-]

2022-05-03 03:58:48: Sorrow created the card Binding Metal
2022-05-03 11:41:16: Sorrow edited Binding Metal
2024-09-21 02:05:32: Sorrow edited Binding Metal

Why are you calling out colored artifacts here?

I'll be honest, I am not sure why I specified that. I was pushing this a RG signpost, but even then, there's no reason not to exclude them. I changed to specify nontoken, because I'm sure there's some nonsense that would happen with tokens and Ashnod's Altar or something.

2024-09-30 23:32:49: Sorrow edited Binding Metal:

"Colored artfact creatures to "Nontoken artifact creatures"

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