Metadesign Collaborative
Metadesign Collaborative by amuseum
21 cards in Multiverse
7 with no rarity, 7 commons, 3 uncommons,
2 rares, 2 mythics
11 colourless, 1 white, 2 blue, 1 black, 6 multicolour
108 comments total
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Openly share and discuss general and specific designs, theories, and mechanics. Including block ideas, color pie, mechanics.
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On Protection Partition (reply):
Protection keyword
Color Distribution
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IMHO, the word 'counter' while intuitive is also messy because there are also 'counters' which are entirely different despite being so similar. Also, if we look at the history of 'counter-spells' in popular culture, we can trace it back to DnD and the works of fantasy that inspired it, and in those works a 'counter spell' was just that: a spell which specifically undid, negated, or cancelled the effects of another spell. By that logic Doom Blade is very much a counter-spell - it counters your enemy's summons. Demystify is very much a counter-spell - it counters your enemy's enchantments. Unsummon is a counter-spell! IMO, the phrase 'counter target X' should be entirely replaced with blue doing other forms of card manipulation. Putting spells back in their owners hand, sapping the mana out of their mana pool, putting spells back in their owners libraries, blanking cards or replacing card text entirely. |
On Cancel Subscription (reply):
counter-magic = counter target spell, ala cancel counter-magic is firmly 99% blue. Should counter-magic be expanded as secondary to other colors? If so what colors and what flavor? |
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The black sheep of card types. How to make enchantments as interesting, interactive, and important as other card types.

I tend to pay some attention to enchantments in recent sets I brainstorm. Including:
See Box within the Box.
See Box within the Box.
Use lines and boxes to improve visual clarity and responsiveness within the rules text box. This is already done with Levelers and Adventures; but can be expanded to other parallel abilities. Including multimodal 'charms' , periodic effects, etc. See Tidal Influence, Torrent of Souls,
See sample images
I had also disliked DFCs due to the physical cards, including drafting, the card can be accidentally or deliberately revealed, and if you use the card in your deck then you will need either sleeves or substitute cards. (If there are enough substitute cards included in the packs, this might help a bit.) The idea of DFC is good though, even though there is these problem by the physical cards.
I also think that the rule preventing DFCs face-down is klugy and unnecessary. You can easily represent that a DFC permanent is face-down by either placing the substitute card face-down on top of it, or by turning the opaque sleeve face-down. Similar would be the case for meld cards.
There are many things that could be done with DFC (including transforming, modal, and day/night), though.
I think the existing rule (you lose if you draw a card from a empty library) is good. (However, your suggestion can be a interesting variant, but I think the existing rule is generally better than the variant.)
(I have once won a game of Magic: the Gathering by forcing opponent to draw (not mill) a lot of cards. If I remember correctly, I think it was using Swans of Bryn Argoll. There are other cases where such a thing can also be possible (with other cards, too), but I do not play this game very often.)
More importantly it speaks to the position of cycling - usually below triggered and activated abilities, but above that one. Positioning relative to nonkeyworded abilities seems at times more important than order among keyword abilities.
Compleated seems still in the wrong spot.
an ability that triggers on cycling is not a keyword
Triggers go wherever they work e. g. on cast, on entering, on death, from graveyard in that order; and e. g. an ability that triggers on cycling comes below cycling.
added triggers, activations, other zones