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@dude1818- no the Ice Warriors are the Martian lizard people in Doctor Who. The Silurians are the lizard people from Earth's past in Doctor Who.
it -> she Don't care if that's not how mtg does it, this mousey is a dame and clearly she
Mukotai Banneret + Liliana's Mastery
Let's see, black rat ninja accelerator, and black zombie lord (but not the actual zombie lord)
So we plug that in to generate some image ideas - and the first output it spits out can be summarised as "Jedi Mouse". Which is very cool. (I think the ponytails resulted from them sometimes being called "rat-tails") (And on later inspection, the pose is because I forgot to clear out a bunch of prior context)
So I'm now making a white mouse, somehow. So if I'm flipping that, let's flip the whole thing - an anti-lord decelerator. Could target zombies directly - but I think instead we'll target ninjitsu. Only that's WAYYY too parasitic. So let's try to enforce somewhat honourable combat.
Ugh, and there's really no simple way of doing that. Mixing the names together, I got... mikitna That sounds nicely mousey. TIL I learned Danger-Mouse's official real-name. And thus Mikitna has become a dame.
Next, I search for "Dame mouse quotes"... and find Minnie Mouse quotes. We'll pick one that could be taken to be sort of "trying to sound profound" an I think that's a wrap. Oh no, power, cost and rarity. I want smol power, bushido sort of makes up for it (even if it only works when defending, here) - this is basically a utility critter, so 1. Can't even slightly be common. Could argue uncommon but only if I try very hard. No, his has to be rare. Probably not sensible to go legendary-mythic, so rare it is. Cost... guildmaster is 2 but you have to pay to use it. On the flip side, it's also asymmetric due to this. Ah - Linvala, Keeper of Silence, ok, that's only 4 for large flyer AND completely asymmetric! That suggests this could be as low as 1! Assuming that's just the age old "Oh, mythic means we don't need to worry about balance" curse, I think we just need to worry about "How horrible is it if this drops to the field too early". And it's not really too bad? It really just stops you trying to use combat as tricks, you have to up-front your choices. But 1 is silly, so make it 2.
Emma's not wrong, type line "Wizard Fox" is incorrect. So I made it better.
Shouldn't it be "Creature - Fox Wizard", or even "Legendary Creature - Fox Wizard" if Chaosmage is a specific person with one specific familiar?
Molder Slug + Thicket Fox
Guess I'm making a green creature, then. One crumbles all artifacts away, the other seems like it's just a cost refund but is actually potentially a dangerous mana acceleration. Also, cute. And an obscure quote.
Crumble away lands? Or untap artifacts? That latter one isn't an effect often seen, but green does get refresh effects. So sure.
So I want a slug-fox surrounded by artifacts and... that's a slug, that's a slug, that's just a slug, and.. wow, that's just a fox, but it is ADORBS. It's the smuggest 'lil thing, like it's presenting this treasure to you. And I remember an obscure quote about treasure finding foxes.
Cost... repeatable untap at instant speed is 4+1, this is one-off and helps both players. Let's try 2.
Effect is obviosuly non common. And I kind of want to see a set where you can build around it. Presumably artifacts which are cheap to use but hard to untap - delayed sorcery style effects, that sort of thing.
Searchlight Geist + Engineered Explosives
A flier that can deathtouch. (Kind of expensive to trigger) and a sunburst kirin-style explosion.
So something with a pay-mana trigger that kills stuff?
Or, actually, huh,this mashes up quite simply, really. We'll preserve the sunburst in the CMC, and since that makes this very very pricey, we'll make it quite big, too.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang + Gem Bazaar
Hmm. An interesting regrowth-stick; you get back the worst card in your graveyard (since opponent chooses), but you also get to empty it first. Combined with... a land that similarly the opponent chooses what you get.
So obviously "opponents choice" is to be kept. And.. I mused for a it on something like "Opponent names a card in your hand, you cast it for free" or something like a reverse-balance.
But nothing really sparked, so I did the image first by just mashing up the names. And it turns out that 'golden fang' gets you a tiger; and gem bazaar gets you bling. So. An opponents choice bling-tiger? Um, "lady or the tiger". Somehow? Oh.. wow. I actually can see how many people fall for that little bug in reality, can't I? Well, I can if I allow flyspeck text.
Reaver + Merchant of Secrets
So, a starcraft critter that regens by ditching 1/1 and can recharge that, meets a cantripped 1/1.
Huh, I don't actually know why that mashed into these rules, but it did. It's a very oddly red style of looting now.
Name Dropping + Sun Worshiper
Repeated red ritual, that works best when you have funny-lands. And, ugh, an un-card; one of the "It's best to just say nothing" ones.
Commonalities - both care about names. Indeed, both get stronger the more different names you have. (Which is a good thing, I hate the "Run 4 copies of 11 different card" decks.)
Right, I think we'll make the naming thing just trinket text and vary the ritual a bit. Make it a bit more like the good old manaflare.
Has kind of an interesting interaction that an opponent can try to pre-empt the common names by wasting mana in an early phase.
Black Market+Reflexes
Hm. I like the way the simple aura gets complicated with the black market concept. This doesn't QUITE fit red, the deaths into girth is just a bit too straight-up strong. But the concept fits very well. Maybe if it was once a turn?
Dwarf's Treasure+Trickle
Maybe I should have gone with "Gildpact" :)
Well, "target card" from a hand is certainly new.
Earth's Souls+Mindblank Specter
I liked this two-punch specter arising from the two cards. Don't think I have templating right. Not sure if it's the right balance of abilities and cost to be useful but not too strong.
(((Wakening Sun's Avatar))) + (((Coastline Marauders)))
Lots of slightly different ideas here. I knew the overall "multi-opponent, non-dinosaur, beatdown" effect I wanted, but not sure how to balance a card out of it.
Corridor Bears Left + AEther Taunt
Not sure how to make this a card to actually play. Pure discard always seems like something that's not very valuable by itself, but if it's too strong then it's almost broken. But that seemed like the best combination of the concepts in the initial cards.
Contested Mine + Uffish Thought
Oh god, one of those cards is from my first attempt at a set -- ten years ago. Wow, that's sobering.
Haven't done one of these for a while. Let's see...
Shifting Mirage + Thought Collapse
A land that's really good at giving you the third mana of a colour; but can't be used to get you the first. And counterspell+mill.
So a "Really good at countering later copies of a spell" counter? Huh, there's a few of those already; but I don't think this is one.
Aren't those the Martian lizard people in doctor who?
Wildheart Invoker+Balance
Oops. Yeah, what Dude said. I went back and forth between too many different variants and didn't notice I'd come in a loop to something that could be a lot simpler.
This seems unnecessarily fiddly. Why not just "whenever you discard a mountain or plains, put a +1/+1 counter on ~"?
Wild Nacatl + Nightmare + Bloodrage Brawler
There's a few ways of combining these. One would be simply Terravore -- what would terravore cost fairly now. Should I allow it to skip discard and simply be number in graveyard? That's more like Nacatl and Nightmare, but less like Bloodrage Brawler. Well, the ability is supposed to come from the brawler, so lets mandate discard. And I guess GWR doesn't have access to the best discard colours, but green may have some draw, discard land.
Maybe it should be discard or mill? Keywording mill makes that a lot shorter to write! And G has more self-mill-lands.
The cost also depends very much how much those things are supported in the environment. It could be unplayable, or very strong, depending if there are existing land-discard-outlets, or I tweak it to work with fetchlands, etc.
Kor Firewalker had the same quirk as Knight of Grace/Knight of Malice: it works as long as either player has a thing of the targeted colour. Those two knights play fantastically in the same deck as each other. So this could say "If any player controls a red [permanent/creature],..."
Kor Firewalker + Stampede
Absolutely LOTS of small white creatures have some sort of attackers-get-bonus effect. How to make one that fulfils this combination but also is noticed?
I'm not sure how strong the bonus should be, it's less strong than "unblockable" because the opponent can usually just choose to not block this. But if it's TOO strong then there isn't really a choice.
I wasn't sure about the "if you control" clause. It felt like there needed to be a red touch for the trample, but not a very strong one since it was conditional. Is there anything that would work better?
Kaseto, Orochi Archmage + Austere Command
I think there was originally a first card which was blue, which is why this ended up like that. Trying to turn Austere Command's modularity into an ETB blue wizard. Not at all sure about balance.
Thank you to everyone helping. Yeah, I don't think any of the current options are right, but I didn't want to wait to figure one out. I don't think it's ever done to explicitly say "put it into its owners graveyard". Maybe the only option is to specify a trigger time like when cast or at end of turn, although maybe there's a standard wording I don't remember.
This still can soft lock with an Assault Suit, but that's a very niche circumstance, so it's probably fine on that front now. I just fear state triggers