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CardName: Even More Panic Cost: 2r Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If a spell or ability would cause it's controller to shuffle their library, instead that player puts a card chosen at random from their hand on top of their library, then shuffles. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Rare

Even More Panic
If a spell or ability would cause it's controller to shuffle their library, instead that player puts a card chosen at random from their hand on top of their library, then shuffles.
Updated on 09 Apr 2021 by dude1818

History: [-]

2014-12-18 00:11:19: dude1818 created and commented on the card Even More Panic

Fixed Widespread Panic. That card's design bugged me.

This is quite a lot better than that. Because the printed version at least gives you control over what the top card is after the shuffle. (Thankfully not immediately after the shuffle, or Unexpected Results would break.)

Well, it's 'better' as a way of punishing people for shuffling, as it also loses a card form their hand.

It kinda makes your own shuffles horrible-bad, for that reason, though.

It is weird that a card named "panic" is actually a way to plan carefully for the future, though. This at least leaves things in a panic.

Huh? No, it's the same level of card disadvantage as the old one... in fact, hmm. This one actually gives the person shuffling higher average card quality than the original Widespread Panic, because with this one you can ditch the worst card from your hand and expect to draw a card that's on average better than it.

2015-01-09 05:31:58: dude1818 edited Even More Panic:

Added randomness

Panic and distress! The Boggart Forager's are coming!

2021-04-09 02:26:55: dude1818 edited Even More Panic

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