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CardName: Stratified Skyways Cost: 2UU Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Creatures with multiple instances of flying can't be blocked except by creatures with at least that many instances of flying and/or reach. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Uncommon

Stratified Skyways
Creatures with multiple instances of flying can't be blocked except by creatures with at least that many instances of flying and/or reach.
Created on 18 Oct 2013 by dude1818


2013-10-18 14:50:46: dude1818 created and commented on the card Stratified Skyways

Basically, flying stacks. Based on Jetpack.

What other abilities don't stack, but conceivable could? Lifelink did for a short while. First strike + first strike = double strike? This could be a cycle.

Deathtouch also did for a short while, but it doesn't make much difference :P

First strike + first strike feels like it ought to equal firster strike. As in, say there's a combat with a creature with 4 copies of first strike, some with 3, etc. First all those with 4 instances deal damage; SBAs and round of instants; then those with 3 deal damage; etc; 2; etc; 1; etc; and finally those without any at all.

Intimidate might be able to stack, in some way a bit similar to this card. "Intimidate, intimidate" on a red creature means it can't be blocked except by creatures that are both red and artifact? Or red creatures with an additional effect making them red as well? :)

Oh, and of course, we know what multiple instances of haste has to mean :D

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