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CardName: Jetpack Cost: 2 Type: Artifact - Equipment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Equipped creature can’t be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach. If equipped creature has flying, it’s unblockable instead. Equip {2} Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Madoka Magi-ka Rare

Artifact – Equipment
Equipped creature can’t be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach. If equipped creature has flying, it’s unblockable instead.
Equip {2}
Updated on 18 Oct 2013 by Alexander

History: [-]

2013-10-18 09:59:56: Alexander created the card Jetpack

Does this card make sense?

It definitely forced me to make a double take. I assume the idea is that flying creatures can go 'stratospheric', by-passing other flying creatures.

I don't know... I get it, but it bothers my brain. Maybe this would work better with some activated abilities? Or maybe not.

As an aside, though, this is probably too expensive. At least, that's what Whispersilk Cloak leads me to believe.

Replace that second bit with 2It is unblockable" for clarity, I say. Whispersilk is burrrOken; but yes, this could probably be {2}/{2}.

Yes, the second part should definitely be "it's unblockable".

What about "Equipped creature has flying. If it has multiple instances of flying, it can't be blocked." That should technically work, even if it's irregular.

2013-10-18 15:30:24: Alexander edited Jetpack:

Reduced casting cost to 2. Changed to "it's unblockable instead."

Yeah, this is much more elegant and still conveys the proper flavor. Thanks.

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