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CardName: Undirected Tinkering Cost: 2R Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: The owner of target artifact sacrifices it, then reveals cards from the top of their library until they reveal an artifact card. They put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffles. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Rare

Undirected Tinkering
The owner of target artifact sacrifices it, then reveals cards from the top of their library until they reveal an artifact card. They put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffles.
Updated on 09 Apr 2021 by dude1818

History: [-]

2013-01-24 04:13:53: dude1818 created the card Undirected Tinkering

Hmmm. Kinda hard to use yourself to turn your thopters into big stuff, as you're likely to hit a thopter. And not often useful on an opponent, because they get a replacement of whatever it was you feared and red can outright kill them for cheaper.

It's interesting though; makes me want to run a deck half stuf with bottle gnomes and half with ridiculous {10}cost stuff. So I think it's a hit.

Isn't this just Shape Anew? Which is of course just an artifact Polymorph, and abusable the same way Polymorph was: play artifact tokens (Master's Call) or other things which can be artifacts in play but not in the library (Blinkmoth Nexus).

Oh, yes. Forgot there were ways to get artifacts that aren't artifacts :)

2020-06-08 23:32:24: dude1818 edited Undirected Tinkering
2021-04-09 02:15:54: dude1818 edited Undirected Tinkering

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