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CardName: Mindmorph Cost: 3UU Type: Creature - Shapeshifter Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: At the beginning of each upkeep, you may search target player's library for a creature card and exile it. If you do, Mindmorph becomes a copy of that card until end of turn and that player shuffles. When Mindmorph dies, shuffle all cards exiled with it into their owners' libraries. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Rare

Creature – Shapeshifter
At the beginning of each upkeep, you may search target player's library for a creature card and exile it. If you do, Mindmorph becomes a copy of that card until end of turn and that player shuffles.
When Mindmorph dies, shuffle all cards exiled with it into their owners' libraries.
Updated on 09 Apr 2021 by dude1818

History: [-]

2012-07-31 04:02:12: dude1818 created the card Mindmorph

A slightly more sane version of The Schrander, but not by much.

The "may" pretty much means "This becomes Emrakul (or whatever "I win" creature you prefer) and then never switches back.

The copy effect only lasts until end of turn, so you have to keep feeding it cards until it can finish everyone off. Which in Emrakul's case, doesn't take long anyway.

You can also pull out a Reveillark, sacrifice it, then shuffle all the exiled cards back in and have it bring itself back from death, but having to wait until upkeep to get the copy effect again really puts a damper on the abuse compared to some other Reveillark recursion you can do.

I guess so. And a Misthollow Griffin engine isn't exactly terrifying either.

2021-04-09 02:33:04: dude1818 edited Mindmorph

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