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CardName: Spirit of the Owl Cost: 2uu Type: Creature - Bird Spirit Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: Flying Whenever this creature deals combat damage to an opponent, draw a card. *Summon* - When Spirit of the Owl dies, put an Aura named Owl Totem onto the battlefield from outside the game attached to another target creature you control. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Uncommon

Spirit of the Owl
Creature – Bird Spirit
Whenever this creature deals combat damage to an opponent, draw a card.
Summon – When Spirit of the Owl dies, put an Aura named Owl Totem onto the battlefield from outside the game attached to another target creature you control.
Updated on 15 Jun 2021 by dude1818

History: [-]

2020-05-25 18:18:48: dude1818 created and commented on the card Spirit of the Owl
2020-05-25 18:19:28: dude1818 edited Spirit of the Owl

Shouldnt an owl have flying? Would that be too strong?

I'd expect an own bird spirit to fly; though you could get away with it with sufficient card art (perhaps it's obviously chained, or something)

The attaching doesn't quite work as written, but I do kinda like the second bite of the cherry.

If this also flew, I think it's want to be a bit pricier.

I meant to include flying, yeah. Closest version that exists already is Thieving Magpie, which seems weak to me. I could try +1 toughness and mana

After some discussion on discord, I decided this is just a worse version of my spirit guide mechanic anyway

2020-05-26 13:58:01: dude1818 edited Spirit of the Owl:

Birds can fly

2020-05-26 13:58:16: dude1818 edited Spirit of the Owl

Love these four cards. Very cool mechanic idea. I wonder how much design space it has. Hopefully lots.

2020-05-26 20:20:51: dude1818 edited Spirit of the Owl

And I already made this "put cards from outside the game into play" mechanic already, seven years ago. Sigh.

2021-06-15 15:07:15: dude1818 edited Spirit of the Owl

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