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CardName: Revival of the Fittest Cost: 3BBB Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Whenever a nontoken creature dies, return target creature card with greater power or toughness from an opponent's graveyard to the battlefield under your control. Flavour Text: Those who cannot remember their pasts are condemned to repeat them. Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Rare

Revival of the Fittest
Whenever a nontoken creature dies, return target creature card with greater power or toughness from an opponent's graveyard to the battlefield under your control.
Those who cannot remember their pasts are condemned to repeat them.
Created on 15 Apr 2013 by dude1818

History: [-]

2013-04-15 16:51:45: dude1818 created the card Revival of the Fittest

Potential submission for YMtC4. I'd like a little feedback before I submit it.

Looks good to me. The "greater power or toughness" criterion is slightly fiddly, and the only bit I might suggest changing.

This does seem like a "wow, that's powerful" type of card, which would be enjoyed by Timmies and potentially Johnnies.

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