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CardName: Unwinding Clock Cost: 4 Type: Artifact Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Untap all artifacts you control during each other player's untap step. Flavour Text: One of the holy grails of the clockmaker's art is the clock that doesn't need winding. A successful experiment in perpetual motion would be amazing, had the clocks not disappeared once wound. Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Rare

Unwinding Clock
Untap all artifacts you control during each other player's untap step.
One of the holy grails of the clockmaker's art is the clock that doesn't need winding. A successful experiment in perpetual motion would be amazing, had the clocks not disappeared once wound.
Illus. Mike Bierek
Updated on 11 Sep 2023 by dude1818

History: [-]

2013-02-10 05:24:51: dude1818 created the card Unwinding Clock
2013-02-10 05:25:31: dude1818 edited Unwinding Clock

Reprint of Unwinding Clock. The reason the Mirran partisans didn't know its origin is because it was originally from Namekkos. Inherently unstable, they planeswalk randomly due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

2013-02-19 04:56:13: dude1818 edited Unwinding Clock
2016-03-16 04:30:43: dude1818 edited Unwinding Clock:

don't like the reference in the flavor text, but every option I can think of has a real-world origin as well

2016-03-16 04:36:56: dude1818 edited Unwinding Clock
2023-09-11 00:03:03: dude1818 moved the card Unwinding Clock from Namekkos into Infinite Potential Well

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