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CardName: Knight of Artifice Cost: UU Type: Artifact Creature - Knight Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: Immunity from green (This creature can't be targeted, dealt damage, or destroyed by anything green.) Flavour Text: The purity and order of artifice will never be crushed by Gaia while its champions still ride. Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Uncommon

Knight of Artifice
Artifact Creature – Knight
Immunity from green (This creature can't be targeted, dealt damage, or destroyed by anything green.)
The purity and order of artifice will never be crushed by Gaia while its champions still ride.
Created on 25 Jul 2012 by dude1818

History: [-]

2012-07-25 00:59:23: dude1818 created the card Knight of Artifice

People are definitely going to mix up this and protection. It took me a minute to see the difference.

Mmm. But I wonder if Dude is making this as his version of 'a replacement' for protection, instead of in addition to. I think there's a fair number of players out there that like protection, but don't think attacking or blocking should be involved.

Oh, also, this can oddly have a green aura (or equipment) on it (for example, a blue aura is turned green. This pops up a lot more when protection is granted by an instant). Does that bother you, Dude?

@Link: As jmg said, this is a replacement for protection.

@jmg: That's a downside to removing "can't be enchanted," but I don't know how big. Is removing auras by granting protection common enough for it to matter?

Well, it isn't very common, but that's kind of by design. Shelter, and a pile of cards that swarm around Shelter's mindspace, only target your own creatures, and for good reason. Knocking two Boar Umbras off your opponent's creature is a pretty rude move for {w}.

So, I guess, avoid giving your opponents creatures Immunity (like you would Protection, anyway), and the problem won't come up that often, and the fact that your creatures could be enchanted (by a creature with "{u}: ~ gains immunity from green until end of turn" for example) will often be appreciated, instead of soured over. Flavor purist won't like it, but they can go play L5R.

It sure would have solved the White Ward problem. In fact, you may want to make an an aura that grants immunity from its own color, just to highlight the difference.

Ha. Just yesterday I was discussing Devon Rule's / Jay Treat's reimagined versions of protection/shroud/hexproof/regeneration/indestructible.

What if an untargetted green effect reduced this card's toughness to be equal to the damage on it. It'd be destroyed, but is that the intuitive feel you want?

You mean, like if a card had immunity from black, and a player cast a very large Mutilate? Like protection from black, the creature would be destroyed by a state based effect (having zero or less life), not from "a black effect"...

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