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CardName: Phantasm of (2) Cost: U Type: Creature - Illusion Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: Echo {U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, if this came under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep, sacrifice it unless you pay its echo cost.) Flavour Text: (2)'s phantasms were originally meant as scare tactics. After the bodies of their victims were recovered, they became used as an efficient weapon. Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Common

Phantasm of (2)
Creature – Illusion
Echo {u} (At the beginning of your upkeep, if this came under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep, sacrifice it unless you pay its echo cost.)
(2)'s phantasms were originally meant as scare tactics. After the bodies of their victims were recovered, they became used as an efficient weapon.
Updated on 23 Apr 2012 by dude1818

History: [-]

2012-03-02 05:32:00: dude1818 created the card Phantasm of (2)
2012-03-02 05:32:24: dude1818 edited Phantasm of (2)
2012-03-03 03:44:47: dude1818 edited Phantasm of (2)

Pretty good, compare to Phantasmal Bear. Has upsides and downsides compared to that, but I'm not sure this would be playable in standard because you're giving up your second turn. Hard to say though, would ultimately require playtesting.

Beware. Those of us who played with Uktabi Drake discovered the hard way that you can't pay echo costs of {2} on the second turn. You have to pay echo in upkeep, and you can't play a land until main phase. This would be almost entirely pointless to cast on turn 1 unless you're afraid of... I don't know, Goblin Lackey or Stromkirk Noble.

2012-03-03 18:42:40: dude1818 edited Phantasm of (2):

made echo cost payable

Yeah fuck Uktabi Drake, that was like one of the worst cards in planar chaos, seeming to promise everything while contributing almost nothing to the green aggro deck.

PS: this card is much more attractive to me now. New standard decklist:

4x Phantasmal Bear
4x Phantasm of 2
4x Delver of Secrets

and whatnot. Seriously, this card is so good with a swarm deck where the critical drop is 1. Like this turn 1, phantasmal bear turn 2, turn 3 that illusion lord. You get the idea, backed up by Vapor Snag and something like Cryptic Command this is a quality card. Same strategy really as fish in legacy.

This is now on par for a green weenie, and rather better than a red one: see Goblin Patrol and Pouncing Jaguar.

2012-03-04 00:14:00: dude1818 edited Phantasm of (2)
2012-04-23 03:31:21: dude1818 moved the card Phantasm of (2) from Convergence into Infinite Potential Well

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