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CardName: Reckless Adventurer Cost: 3r Type: Creature - Human Warrior Pow/Tgh: 3/3 Rules Text: Whenever Reckless Adventurer blocks or becomes blocked, roll a 20-sided die. Until end of turn, Reckless Adventurer's power becomes equal to the result. When you roll a 20 this way, it gains trample until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Infinite Potential Well Uncommon

Reckless Adventurer
Creature – Human Warrior
Whenever Reckless Adventurer blocks or becomes blocked, roll a 20-sided die. Until end of turn, Reckless Adventurer's power becomes equal to the result. When you roll a 20 this way, it gains trample until end of turn.
Updated on 30 Jun 2021 by dude1818

History: [-]

2021-06-28 02:12:30: dude1818 created the card Reckless Adventurer

Faaascinating. It's like "unpredictable deathtouch". Most d20 rolls will be easily big enough to kill almost all opposing creature... but not quite reliably.

At first I thought "wait, no, you can't have d20 power on a common!" Then I saw "Oh, it's only when it gets blocked or blocks, nice". Then I saw the "nat 20" line and smiled :)

I do fear this might add constraints on the ability of cards to grant trample in this and surrounding sets. I don't think you can put a Crash Through or Brute Strength in this set. But that's OK.

I still believe the "nat 20" is too significant a swing to allow on acommon. This is feel-bad randomness.

Yeah, that's probably better saved for the uncommons or rares.

2021-06-30 18:00:10: dude1818 edited Reckless Adventurer:

rarity bump

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