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CardName: Jolzin Reflex Amp // Sparkflex Monk Cost: {R} Type: Artifact // Creature - Human Monk Pow/Tgh: / // 1/2 Rules Text: Object (As long as this card is untapped, it's this side) {R},{T}: Target creature gains prowess and haste until end of turn. // Guardian (As long as this card is tapped, it's this side) Whenever you cast your first instant or sorcery spell each turn, scry 1. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Common

Jolzin Reflex Amp
Object (As long as this card is untapped, it's this side)
{r},{t}: Target creature gains prowess and haste until end of turn.
Sparkflex Monk
Colour indicator R Creature – Human Monk
Guardian (As long as this card is tapped, it's this side)
Whenever you cast your first instant or sorcery spell each turn, scry 1.
Created on 03 Nov 2024 by Sorrow


2024-11-03 00:53:49: Sorrow created and commented on the card Jolzin Reflex Amp // Sparkflex Monk
2024-11-03 00:54:04: Sorrow edited Jolzin Reflex Amp // Sparkflex Monk

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