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CardName: Vapor Fate Vial // Caligomancer Cost: {1}{B} Type: Artifact // Creature - Naga Warlock Pow/Tgh: / // 1/4 Rules Text: Object (As long as this card is untapped, it's this side) {1}{B}{B},{T}: Scry 1, lose 1 life, draw a card, and exile up to one target card from a graveyard. // Guardian (As long as this card is tapped, it's this side) At the beginning of each opponent's endstep, that player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Uncommon

Vapor Fate Vial
Object (As long as this card is untapped, it's this side)
{1}{b}{b},{t}: Scry 1, lose 1 life, draw a card, and exile up to one target card from a graveyard.
Colour indicator B Creature – Naga Warlock
Guardian (As long as this card is tapped, it's this side)
At the beginning of each opponent's endstep, that player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
Updated on 13 Nov 2024 by Sorrow


2024-11-03 00:45:21: Sorrow created the card Vapor Fate Vial // Caligomancer
2024-11-13 13:45:11: Sorrow edited Vapor Fate Vial // Caligomancer

It feels weird to have this set of abilities for a creature half that is prevented both from attacking and blocking by the mechanic.

If the creature was applied for the untapped state you could at least block with it, maybe use vigilance to attack with it.

That aside this particular design doesn't go quite far enough in making the 'decision to tap' interesting enough. There is not zero synergy between the halves. In a weird way though the synergy lies in the creature-half undoing the life loss inflicted by the artifact half i. e. the card becomes less appropriate for black.

Maybe it would be more interesting and create a modicum of tension and decision-making to trigger on upkeep rather than end step? That way not waiting until the last moment with the artifact activation is rewarded in a similar way addendum works.

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