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Recent updates to Multiverse Feedback: (Generated at 2024-10-05 08:51:32)
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Page 1 - Older activity
I would like to use SVG Elements in mechanics/comments/details_pages.
I have finished building a general CSV to MSE importer! Take any CSV file, tell the importer which columns map to which MSE fields (if you're not using the default names), and it does the rest. View the code and download the executable here:
Aiming for 95%+ coverage of common use cases, so let me know if there's anything obvious it's missing
I feel xml export has solved that nicely with id, link-id and parent-id (though arguably xml and json should be able to do even better).
Bumping this. It's pretty useless that cards with multiple faces export as two rows, one for each face
You can ctrl+f the cardlist for "‑‑‑‑" to find all cards that are multiple spells. That will includes DFCs, split cards, adventures, and flip cards
Is there a way to search for cards I made that use the flip frame that I'm missing? I'm pretty sure I made some that use the frame without the "flip" wording, and I don't know how to look for them...
The mockup view is fine, it's the plain and image views that don't fit. It does scroll all the way on Chrome mobile (Android), but it overlaps the comment box and other links
Re: the card, the whole gimmick is that it's a 17 chapter saga. Of course it's too many words. Let's keep discussion of that to the card's page, though
Firefox on window, it views 'ok' for me. In that the text box is ridiculously long, but it does extend past the bottom of the card frame. It partially covers the "Updated 2 days ago by dude1818" link, but the edit/comment box is to the right of it as expected.
Someone is parsing CSS wrongly. And, while I hate to say it, Chrome has something like 90% marketshare, so by definition it's firefox/safari.
Sadly, just adding the overflow style doesn't help, something more complicated is going on in the box model here. Dunno what to suggest. (Other than "Seriously, that card needs massively changing, it's way too many words")
I'm on chrome and with Ventura and the whole card moves with the page, so I can't see below XIII. On Safari on my iPhone the text box extends past the card frame, covering the top two edit/comment lines.
See The Hero's Journey. I'm on Chrome and Windows 11, the image cuts off after VI, and there's no scroll bar to see the rest of the card
This doesn't just happens when moving cards, but also for new cards created from scratch, and also not just the section-view visual spoiler.
Achadire Visual Spoiler contains "all 92 cards" of a 104 card set. It seems the most recent twelve are missing.
Ugh I hate to say this but I'll be making the jump over to magic set editor. I had a successful print run at the print shop and after I looked at the cards I realized that edits I had made weren't present.
I'll gladly come back when the stuff gets fixed, but I need my edits to be current when I load the page. That being said, I may keep adding cards over to here when I can in anticipation of the pages refreshing how they should. On this page we have: on this page we have: on this page we have:
I see now that it's not limited to cards I moved from other sets as Sophie and Descendants Path are recently created cards.
Can you link a set and/or card for which the bug occurs?
I did not, no. Trying while logged in - I do indeed see a difference between visual spoiler and individual cards. e.g. Migrating Settler demonstrates the issue.
And this card now DOES show an artURL when I export as JSON; which it did not previously (on a machine I wasn't logged in from)
Lets move the cache image issues into here instead of the print format card.
This is a saved pdf of all my 'view by sections' pages. Vitenka, when you view the individual cards do you see art? It's confounding just how inconsistent the data is for my cardset.
I checked the export set and all the info seems to be there when I try exporting, consistent results for each export format. Could you be seeing something different because of the italicized '(unsigned)' after your name?
View by sections I also see no images. Individual cards, I see no images. Checking the database contents via export, I see no URLs. I'm pretty sure that the server believes there's no URL on most of your cards.
Why it thinks that, if you're sure they're there, I have no clue.
Print update! After a lot of headache with print drivers and scaling I figured it out (mostly).
From a printable visual spoiler page, right click and hit print, then Save as PDF. Use a landscape layout, and increase the scale to 104%(edit: I previously said 108% but somehow that's actually wrong and 104-105 is a better fit). Then print that pdf and the resulting cards will be the exact height of a standard magic card (3.5") however the width will be slightly smaller than a normal card.
I haven't figured out how I'll alter the aspect ratio of the cards without distortion, that may simply not be an option. (My roommate thinks she could mess with the html but thats above my paygrade)
I see the same thing HarrisonY says: Visual Spoiler page without images, but View by Sections page with the images.
I must restate and reiterate that nearly all the cards have art urls on them. If you click through any of the commons you'll see that they have arturls. /cardsets/2580/visualspoiler will occasionally be up to date, but then revert for no discernable reason to a very old server cached state.
You mean /cardsets/2580/visualspoiler ? I can see 138 cards; though only about 4 have images. Two white ones; and a couple others such as Tortudiphant and Loubus, World Grinder.
And looking at 'export' (json output)? Very few cards in your set have any artURL. So it looks like you may have created the art, but multiverse doesn't know about it. If you're sure you entered it in the card's edit fields, then I think you need to make this a red card to indicate it's a bug.
(Note: A couple of cards DO have an art URL but the image doesn't show up anyway - because the site it's linked from doesn't allow embedding. That usually means it only shows up if you visit that site, at which point your browser has it cached and will show it here too.)
HAH! New bug Alex: Multiverse picked up (full url of /cardsets/2580/visualspoiler ) as 'non-logged in users aren't allowed to post external links' when it's clearly an internal one.
ctrl-f5 is the same. anyone want to do me a favor and look at my tuvia set visual spoiler and see if you can see more than 2 arts? the art appears when i hit the "view by sections" buttons with a bit more consistency, but its a bit sad when I know I've created and uploaded over a hundred pieces of art and they dont show up.
Also I'll update when I do some test prints at work, my first go I'll try saving the page as a pdf, looks like it will fit 9 cards on a 8.5"11" page which comes very close to the 2.5"3.5" dimensions of magic cards. Wish me luck.
Heres a quick and dirty look at the difference on my end: