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CardName: Foundation wording updates Cost: Type: Interface suggestion Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: so _tilde_ to "this (type)" and 'E T B' into just "enters", so you don't have to update all old cards using those shortcuts Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

Foundation wording updates
Interface suggestion
so tilde to "this (type)" and 'E T B' into just "enters", so you don't have to update all old cards using those shortcuts
Updated on 16 Jan 2025 by Tahazzar


2025-01-15 12:46:29: Tahazzar created the card Foundation wording updates

But I don't want my cards to start randomly saying stuff like "This creature gets +1/+1 for each creature you control named this creature" either.

The replacement function also needs to be quite complex to correctly choose "this creature", "this spell" or "this card" based on context.

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