Multiverse Feedback: Virtual Booster

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This booster was generated with modern collation since the cardset contains mythics: 1 rare / mythic, 3 uncommons, 10 commons, 1 basic land.
You could alternatively have 15 random cards regardless of rarity.
Wizards have added double-faced cards (DFCs).
So yeah.
They may be a terrible idea, but now they're part of the game and we're stuck with them.
Stuff like the old frame, PCH planeshifted, and FUT futureshifted.
I've been seeing a few Heroku errors on the page lately. It usually doesn't last, just half an hour or so, but it's a little odd. Wanted to ask about it in case it's slipped under the radar so far.
M15 flip cards render improperly, with the rare stamp jammed in the middle of the unflipped rules text, and the flipped P/T box trying to jump off the line.
You know how you can make a booster? It would be useful to make six at once, plus order them by color.
cough Useful for playtesting cough
Cardset front pages, cardlists, skeletons and visual spoilers cache a bit too much:
1) The admin line of the set views box may be shown or hidden incorrectly
2) Comments don't show up on cardset front page
Can we pretty please support {t}?
Allow us to create split and flip cards.
Not sure what the solution should be here – but it would be nice if finished sets didn't get completely lost and vanish into obscurity; since they would seem to be a good draw for visitors. Currently though, since they have no activity – they're pretty much impossible to find unless you know about them already.
It'd be nice to automatically tell people when they're specifying a card name that's already been used by Wizards.
Link to my description page where the bug is:
Hey, I noticed that in a description page, if you have text that's wrapped in a grey box, your script for some reason doesn't like to show card links as formatted with [[[Cardname]]]. I examined the source code and noticed that you're using both <pre> then <code> tags. I tried downloading source then displaying it locally but I think it might have problems with the Same Origin Policy or something because it's not displaying correctly locally.
Anyways, I'm not sure exactly what the problem is since I can't see your server-side script which is managing these pages but you can see the <a href='url'> tags instead of there being links. I'm going to post a comment so the text isn't tiny on the card
Allow us to specify small symbols/icons to be included on cards. If we were creating our own mana symbols like snow {s} or Phyrexian mana {pw}, at the moment we couldn't have those images display on cards at all.
The main page of my "Shiny Umbreon's Unmade Cards" set (id=477) is all messed up and the pics are not showing.
Pages of individual cards work fine, though.
Gold two-coloured flip cards don't get their pinlines.
Can you please give more features for searching cards on the advanced search page? I'd like features that allow us to search by mana cost and colors of the cards. These features haven't been added yet, but it would definitely help a lot if we can search according to mana cost, converted mana cost and colors because I'd like to see all the WUBRG cards in this website, for example.

Transform (double-faced) cards (mythic)
Different card frames (uncommon)
Frequent Heroku errors? (uncommon)
M15 flips are broken (uncommon)
Sealed Pool (common)
Caching a bit too much (common)
Lower case symbols (common)
Split and Flip Cards (common)
Completed sets are invisible (common)
Auto-detect existing card names (common)
Bad card url encoding (common)
Allow Custom Symbols (common)
My cardset kinda broke (common)
Pinlines on gold flip cards (common)
More features for advanced search (basic)