Multiverse Feedback: Virtual Booster

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This booster was generated with modern collation since the cardset contains mythics: 1 rare / mythic, 3 uncommons, 10 commons, 1 basic land.
You could alternatively have 15 random cards regardless of rarity.
I've been contacted by someone who wondered whether a partnership between MTGNexus and magicmultiverse is in the cards.

Excerpt of the message to the right.
I've been seeing a few Heroku errors on the page lately. It usually doesn't last, just half an hour or so, but it's a little odd. Wanted to ask about it in case it's slipped under the radar so far.
Ongoing Bug
When using Chromium on Ubuntu 12.04, I cannot edit cards that I have created — instead I get the "We're sorry, but something went wrong" page.
M15 flip cards render improperly, with the rare stamp jammed in the middle of the unflipped rules text, and the flipped P/T box trying to jump off the line.
It would be nice if there was a button that allowed us to see what the finished card would look like before we create them.
Is it possible to have cards display horizontally – like plane cards?
The comments links between cards reduce the umber of cards on a page from 9 to 6. Can they be removed?
AlexChurchill: [10:04] Okay, hacky workaround: in Firebug's CSS tab, right-click "New Rule", and set ".CardRenderInline > a" to have { display: none; }. That fits 9 per page.
Sometimes people want more or different columns in their search results. I should make assorted columns visible with a checkbox-type toggle, like on the cardlist.
When the tooltip image is larger than usual, e.g. the default for a cardset is to prefer images to mock-ups, the roll-over displays the card image, but (at least for me) the right edge of the card gets cut off, removing the P/T, loyalty, and/or mana cost.
Frequently getting these Application Errors. On some days it's really bad. Loading a cardset or page requires many tries. If working on a new card, it could mislead you to resubmit several times, thus creating multiple copies of the same card.
I assume this server runs on ASP.NET because I only ever see these errors on ASP served pages. Quite often, actually, not just this site.
On cards with too much text, it can be hard to read their rules text. Add a button on the card's page to expand the text up to readable size (and stretch the card frame out of proportion).
When someone edits a card, they have the ability to comment on their change. I think it would be nice if there was some way to view older editions of a card as well, like on Wikipedia.
That way, you could know what I used to have as flavor text here. ;)
It would be nice to be able to print out black and white cards that still look kinda like cards – no filled borders. Like the Wizards playtest slips we see from time to time.
Could we have cards printable at custom resolution? I dunno if you can set css width:4cm or whether it needs to be done with dpi calculations or what, but it would be nice to be able to get slightly more cards on a page at a slightly smaller than normal size (or support other games where the cards are slightly different sizes)
Can you please give more features for searching cards on the advanced search page? I'd like features that allow us to search by mana cost and colors of the cards. These features haven't been added yet, but it would definitely help a lot if we can search according to mana cost, converted mana cost and colors because I'd like to see all the WUBRG cards in this website, for example.

Collaboration with MtGNexus (rare)
Frequent Heroku errors? (uncommon)
Can't edit cards in Safiria (uncommon)
M15 flips are broken (uncommon)
View cards before publish (common)
Horizontal cards (common)
Remove '(0) comments' from printable link (common)
More control over search results (common)
Cropping roll-over image (common)
Application Errors (common)
Unshrink small card text (common)
Card history (common)
Printer friendly Test Set (common)
Customise print size (common)
More features for advanced search (basic)