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CardName: Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonqueen Cost: 5UB Type: Legendary Creature - Human Warrior Pow/Tgh: 6/4 Rules Text: Flying, trample Whenever Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonqueen deals combat damage to a player, you may put a 4/4 red Dragon creature token with flying onto the battlefield. Flavour Text: Even the brave have cause to tremble at the sight of Sivitri Scarzam. Set/Rarity: Multiverse Design Challenge Rare

Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonqueen
Legendary Creature – Human Warrior
Flying, trample
Whenever Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonqueen deals combat damage to a player, you may put a 4/4 red Dragon creature token with flying onto the battlefield.
Even the brave have cause to tremble at the sight of Sivitri Scarzam.
Illus. NéNé Thomas
Updated on 08 Aug 2011 by dude1818

History: [-]

2011-08-05 20:01:07: dude1818 created the card Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonqueen

Calling her a "Dragonlady" sounds stupid. Suggestions?


Already taken: (((Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonmistress))).


2011-08-07 22:36:40: dude1818 edited Sivitri Scarzam, Dragonqueen:


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