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CardName: Burial at Sea Cost: 2B Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Destroy target creature unless its controller pays {U}{U}. Flavour Text: We now commit his mortal remains to the sea. Set/Rarity: Storm Common

Burial at Sea
Destroy target creature unless its controller pays {u}{u}.
We now commit his mortal remains to the sea.
Updated on 23 Jan 2018 by Camruth


History: [-]

2011-06-07 06:32:31: Camruth created the card Burial at Sea
2011-06-07 06:32:47: Camruth edited Burial at Sea
2011-07-28 02:45:29: Camruth moved the card Burial at Sea from Snap into Storm
2013-04-19 08:05:02: Camruth edited Burial at Sea

Nice flavour; but, well, Murder.

Yeah but this was made before M13 came out...will change to C

2013-04-19 09:04:13: Camruth edited Burial at Sea

Well, it's still strictly worse. But I always did prefer Terror and other similar 'has a downside'.

yeah and it is flavourful and fits so... besides they print "Strictly Worse" cards all the time - hard not to after all these years.

2013-10-02 00:16:10: Camruth edited Burial at Sea

It is basically Murder more splashable with its own built-in Counterspell.

2013-10-02 00:18:27: Camruth edited Burial at Sea

considering dropping cost to {1}{b}

2018-01-23 01:08:56: Camruth edited Burial at Sea

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