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CardName: Soylent Feed Cost: 1G Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: As an additional cost to cast Soylent Feed, sacrifice a creature or exile a creature card from your graveyard. You gain 7 life. Flavour Text: It isn’t right. But it is necessary. Set/Rarity: Tesla Project Common

Soylent Feed
As an additional cost to cast Soylent Feed, sacrifice a creature or exile a creature card from your graveyard.
You gain 7 life.
It isn’t right. But it is necessary.
Updated on 14 Oct 2016 by Inanimate

Code: CG12

History: [-]

2016-03-28 03:45:32: Inanimate edited Soylent Feed

Probably choose sacrifice or exile.

How often are people going to sac a creature for this? There isn't much that cares about creatures in the yard and this isn't the type of effect that you need early game so it seems like there will be something you don't mind exiling without trying. Could this be closer to one mana with "or exile 3 creature cards from your graveyard"?

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