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CardName: Fleet Engagement Cost: 3WW Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Vehicles you control become artifact creatures and gain Battle Cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn). Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Storm Rare

Fleet Engagement
Vehicles you control become artifact creatures and gain Battle Cry (Whenever this creature attacks, each other attacking creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn).
Updated on 27 Sep 2017 by Camruth


History: [-]

2015-09-14 01:50:41: Camruth created the card Fleet Engagement
2017-01-28 09:07:48: Camruth edited Fleet Engagement

Interesting finisher. Does make the math of "Is it better to crew with more than one creature" trickier though.

So... you need to crew four vehicles and attack with them before this might officially become better than Start Your Engines? I think this card needs a bit more umpf.

You need to crew 3 vehicles and attack with them before this can even become better than Inspired Charge.

2017-06-12 01:17:44: Camruth edited Fleet Engagement:

Changed from Uncommon Sorcery

Aha! Adding the Start Your Engines "crew them all for free" line makes a lot more sense. This is now... comparable to Start Your Engines, but could give a bit more power pump if you have three or more vehicles.

Is having 3 or more vehicles out something you imagine happening often when played with this set?

Or two vehicles and a bunch of small pilots. But it still seems like it will be hard to make it worth it.

With two verhicles this is still worse than Start your Engines since it costs more and pumps vehicles for 1 less.

Battle Cry is going to be an element of the set so it will show up on regular creatures as well

In a vacuum yes, it is worse than Start your Engines but as battle Cry will be part of the set/block, it will often be better than it.

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