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CardName: Jund Cost: Type: Legendary Land Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {T}: Add {R}, {G} or {B} to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast dragon spells. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Design Challenge None

Legendary Land
{t}: Add {1} to your mana pool.
{t}: Add {r}, {g} or {b} to your mana pool. Spend this mana only to cast dragon spells.
Updated on 18 Mar 2015 by Jack V

History: [-]

2015-02-20 11:33:33: Jack V created and commented on the card Jund

See Challenge # 120.

This has to be "Jund". I could imagine a cycle of these for the shards.

But it's not really legendary. It needs something snazzy, but I'm not sure what. Suggestions?

I considered "if you spend this mana on a dragon, it gets... something" but it didn't quite seem to work.

I really wanted to make it make two mana like eye of ugin, but, ugh, that's almost always a bad idea.

Perhaps you could allow dragons to 'devour' this land? Though, I got to admit, it's kind of strange sacrificing all of Jund to a dragon(?!)

I like "Whenever a creature devours another creature, put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token onto the battlefield", but I wonder if that's too set specific.

Or maybe "Whenever you cast a creature with a casting cost of six or greater, put a 1/1 red Goblin creature token onto the battlefield with the ability 'When this creature goes to the graveyard, it deals 1 damage to target creature or player.'" Maybe that's too many words. But I like how it supports devour without being too obvious about it.

Hm, maybe it could make devour-fodder? Ideally creatures which are not useful chump blockers (because that's a lot more expensive) but can be devoured? But hard to make that clean.

0/1 creatures that can't block? Does that seem too useless to print?

I was thinking that but it seemed too Melvin, too fiddly, for Jund. Jund would maybe rather have "Put a 0/1 red goblin creature token OTB tapped. It attacks each turn if able." But that's still rather fiddly, maybe I have to accept paying a cost to make 1/1 tokens.

Ooh, or maybe, "put a +1/+1 counter on a creature that devoured another creature this turn"?

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