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CardName: Aquos, the Tempest King Cost: 2UU Type: Legendary Creature - Merfolk Warrior Pow/Tgh: 3/3 Rules Text: Islandwalk Other Merfolk you control get +1/+1 and gain Islandwalk. Whenever Aquos, the Tempest King attacks, target land becomes an Island. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Storm Rare

Aquos, the Tempest King
Legendary Creature – Merfolk Warrior
Other Merfolk you control get +1/+1 and gain Islandwalk.
Whenever Aquos, the Tempest King attacks, target land becomes an Island.
Updated on 23 Jan 2018 by Camruth


History: [-]

2012-10-24 09:46:53: Camruth created the card Aquos, the Tempest King

Hah. It's the kind of "islandwalk" that's really unblockability, as seen before on Stormtide Leviathan.

FWIW, WOTC's current policy is to write this kind of card as "3/3. Islandwalk. Other Merfolk you control get +1/+1 and have islandwalk." You may of course disagree with that policy in which case the current wording's fine.

2012-10-24 10:42:06: Camruth edited Aquos, the Tempest King

brought into line with current policy

That's... why on EARTH is that? That's just annoying extra wording, so that one of your creatures has the printed power/toughness which is actually worse than "Oh yeah, all of these are one more than they say"!

It's based on their market research, usability testing, focus groups etc. More people found the old way confusing than found the new way confusing, although there are some who find the new way more confusing.

It also makes the creature read as a better card, which kind of sort of sells more cards. Which looks like a more powerful card to you?

First Example
Creatures you control get +3/+3.

Second Example
Other creatures you control get +3/+3.

Hmm. Might have to clarify if it loses its other land types or "becomes an island in addition to its other types.". Also, does it turn it into an island until end of turn or forever and ever? :(

Based on Spreading Seas if there is no clarification on the card it just becomes an Island losing everything but name and supertype.

2015-06-10 06:16:24: Camruth edited Aquos, the Tempest King
2018-01-23 01:10:41: Camruth edited Aquos, the Tempest King

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