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CardName: Overworked Nurse Cost: {1}{W} Type: Creature - Human Citizen Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Reborn in Another World- {2}{W} (If this creature would die, you may pay {2}{W} and exile it and all Auras attached to it. Whenever a creature enters under your control during a later turn, you may have it enter with all keywords, ability words, activated, and triggered abilities this creature has, then attach all auras attached to this creature to that creature. Then put this creature into your graveyard and planeswalk.) Lifelink, vigilance Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Common

Overworked Nurse
Creature – Human Citizen
Reborn in Another World- {2}{w} (If this creature would die, you may pay {2}{w} and exile it and all Auras attached to it. Whenever a creature enters under your control during a later turn, you may have it enter with all keywords, ability words, activated, and triggered abilities this creature has, then attach all auras attached to this creature to that creature. Then put this creature into your graveyard and planeswalk.)

Lifelink, vigilance
Created on 24 Jul 2024 by Sorrow


2024-07-24 12:44:31: Sorrow created the card Overworked Nurse
2024-07-24 12:45:07: Sorrow edited Overworked Nurse

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