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CardName: Mardu Reformstion Cost: RWB Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: As long as you control three or more white creatures with vigilance, red and black creatures that enter under your control enter with a vigilance counter. As long as you control three or more black or red creatures with menace, white creatures that enter under your control enter with a menace counter. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Rare

Mardu Reformstion
As long as you control three or more white creatures with vigilance, red and black creatures that enter under your control enter with a vigilance counter.

As long as you control three or more black or red creatures with menace, white creatures that enter under your control enter with a menace counter.
Updated on 13 Nov 2024 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2024-07-07 13:03:34: Sorrow created and commented on the card Mardu Reformstion

Name misspelled

I feel I already commented on a card very similar to this. A card that does nothing until you have your fourth creature is already quite hampered, but this one also requires you to play some sort of keyword tribal... except getting the keyword counter itself is not useful if you actually go all-in on the keyword.

You have to arrange not only for your fourth creature, but for the other three creatures all to belong to subset A of your creatures, but this fourth one doesn't belong to subset A. That is not the "interesting decision making"-kind of tension, that's "the card doesn't get to be useful a lot of times because the stars didn't align"-kind of tension.

Now all that said, I also look at the reward you get here, and while entering with counters and having a static ability granting keywords are different, they are similar enough (and have pros and cons balancing each other out) that the following question might be appropriate: Wouldn't {r}{w}{b} be about an appropriate cost for "All creatures you control have vigilance and menace"? Does the pay-off this provides really need hoops?

At the very least... would it be so bad if you just outright removed every mention 0f color from this card's rules text?

On a more technical note: static abilities and timestamps and dependency might be confusing on this effect that grants the keyword the condition is looking for... Would this be better as a triggered ability?


  • "At the beginning of combat on each turn, if you control three or more creatures with vigilance, creatures you control gain vigilance until end of turn."

On further reflection, I just remembered that even improving the card like that we end up with a less versatile Concerted Effort that requires more creatures to work and synergizes with only two rather than eight keywords.

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