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CardName: Gaseel, Crafty Grenadier Cost: 1{R}{R} Type: Legendary Creature - Vedalken Artificer Pow/Tgh: 1/3 Rules Text: Haste Whenever Gaseel, Crafty Grenadier deals combat damage to a player, you may pay discard a card. If you do, deal 3 damage to any target. {U},{T}: Up to two target creatures get -3/-0 until end of turn. Activate this ability only if you control an isntant. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Rare

Gaseel, Crafty Grenadier
Legendary Creature – Vedalken Artificer
Whenever Gaseel, Crafty Grenadier deals combat damage to a player, you may pay discard a card. If you do, deal 3 damage to any target.
{u},{t}: Up to two target creatures get -3/-0 until end of turn. Activate this ability only if you control an isntant.
Updated on 13 Nov 2023 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2023-11-08 02:03:48: Sorrow created the card Gaseel, Crafty Grenadier
2023-11-08 02:05:18: Sorrow edited Gaseel, Crafty Grenadier

Madness? I really don't see the way these abilities form one cohesive whole. Actually, even with madness the shrinking comes a bit late.

The blue activated ability was supposed to be flash grenade flavor. With the requirement of having an instant, it is super janky and impractical in retrospect

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