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CardName: Temporal Firesnap Cost: {4}{U}{U}{R}{R} Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Temporal Firesnap costs {3}{U}{R} less during your own turn or during an extra turn. Temporal Firesnap deals 3 damage to the active player. End the turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Rare

Temporal Firesnap
Temporal Firesnap costs {3}{u}{r} less during your own turn or during an extra turn.

Temporal Firesnap deals 3 damage to the active player. End the turn.
Updated on 11 Nov 2023 by Sorrow


2023-11-08 01:49:47: Sorrow created and commented on the card Temporal Firesnap

See Fiery Rebirth Amphin. Unsure what the correct wording is. Like, "your turn" "opponent's turn." Is it "active player" for the person whose turn it is?

I like the idea of a cheap way to end someone's extra turn. The damage part is almost a distraction. Removing it also solves your wording issue.

Though, yes, "active player" can be used like this. See Nettling Imp.

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