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CardName: Sinister Spy Cost: 2UB Type: Creature - Human Rogue Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: {1}, {T}: Look at a card in target opponent's hand at random. You may have them put it on the bottom of their library. If you do, they draw a card. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: From The Vaults Uncommon

Sinister Spy
Creature – Human Rogue
{1}, {t}: Look at a card in target opponent's hand at random. You may have them put it on the bottom of their library. If you do, they draw a card.
Updated on 24 Jan 2012 by theunansweredquestion

History: [-]

2011-12-19 21:34:37: theunansweredquestion created the card Sinister Spy
2011-12-19 21:35:03: theunansweredquestion edited Sinister Spy

Needs clarification that it's THEY who draw a card (I assume) or you, if it's that, and overpowered.

2011-12-20 15:01:48: theunansweredquestion edited Sinister Spy

Hmm. Vendilion Clique's effect as an activated ability, but made random to balance it out. Seems pretty good. It certainly doesn't need the "only activate once per turn" clause since the activation has {t} in it.

Do they get to draw a card even if, for some reason, you don't have them put it on the bottom of their library? Why would you ever NOT want to do so?

maybe reword to ...bottom of their library, if you do, they draw a card.

2012-01-24 21:56:16: theunansweredquestion edited Sinister Spy

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