I think the problem is that on Gibbering Monstrosity, the parentheses don't close, turning the rest of the page into reminder text. See also: xkcd: (. Just a thought.
(I have to admit, that's the most hilarious technical glitch I've ever seen, though...)
Post your comments on From The Vaults here! If your comments are on a small number of specific cards, they may
be better added to those cards. This is for comments on the set as a
For some reason, everything on the front page of this set is in italics...
I think the problem is that on Gibbering Monstrosity, the parentheses don't close, turning the rest of the page into reminder text. See also: xkcd: (. Just a thought.
Heh. I want a browser that won't let an \ tag inside a \
affect text outside that \
xml strict mode?
Parentheses closed. Problem solved.
(I have to admit, that's the most hilarious technical glitch I've ever seen, though...)
Post your comments on From The Vaults here!
If your comments are on a small number of specific cards, they may be better added to those cards. This is for comments on the set as a whole.