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CardName: Anger Elemental Cost: 4RR Type: Creature - Elemental Pow/Tgh: */* Rules Text: Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.) Anger Elemental's power and toughness are equal to the damage you took this turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: From The Vaults Rare

Anger Elemental
Creature – Elemental
Flash (You may cast this spell any time you could cast an instant.)
Anger Elemental's power and toughness are equal to the damage you took this turn.
Created on 19 Dec 2011 by theunansweredquestion

History: [-]

2011-12-19 21:08:31: theunansweredquestion created the card Anger Elemental
2011-12-19 21:09:27: theunansweredquestion edited Anger Elemental
on 04 Jun 2012 by Visitor:

Make it a */*+1 otherwise, it would die in between players turns.

Or if it's power and toughness is supposed to grow with the more damage that has been dealt:

Change it so that it reads, "Flash. Anger Elemental enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters, where X is the total amount of combat damage dealt to a player this turn."

Or even, "Flash. Whenever a player takes combat damage, Anger Elemental gets X +1/+1 counters, where X is the total amount of combat damage dealt to a player this turn."

You could even make it like this: "Flash. Anger Elemental gets -1/-1 for each life you have. 20/20" So the more life you lose the bigger it will get. But if you gain life it will get smaller.

The last suggestion reminds me of Death's Shadow.

This is amusing as a one-turn "Graargh, you hit me!" But it's got to die at EOT, so it's pretty overcosted compared with Ball Lightning

Potentially overcosted; potentially 19/19. I like it. Except, well, it's almost always only useful for blocking.

Yeah, it doesn't even have haste for if you cast it after an Earthquake for 10...

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