[H&V] Heroes & Villains: Comments
[H&V] Heroes & Villains: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity |
Mechanics | Heroic Decks | Archenemy Deck | Design Notes |
[H&V] Heroes & Villains: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity |
Mechanics | Heroic Decks | Archenemy Deck | Design Notes |
I played with the idea of "partner with" in the Hero decks, but the resulting cycle ties them too strongly to each other. I'll move them to the "sideboard" as cards that can be added for Archenemy scenarios without being core cards.
(Cards inquestion: Quillcloak Drifter, Vulturous Duergin, Rukh Nestraider, Paradise Hunter, Hunt Caller, Clan Champion, Echo Conductor, Ambush Master )
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