Dragon Gate: Comments
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Dragon Gate: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity |
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I'm a bit confused by the front page:
> "Dragon Gate is three mini-sets in one: Dominaria, Tarkir, and Nexus. Drafting officially is Tarkir/Nexus/Dom., but each mini-set can also be drafted alone or with each other in any combination.
Entire set has 462 cards. Each mini-set has 149 cards. Mini-set rarity break down: 10 mythic, 31 rare, 48 uncommon, 60 common. Special land sheet: 20 basic, 10 tapland"
So this st has Vodalian cards and Sultai cards, so you want to put all 462 (477) cards into this cardset?
Wouldn't it be clearer to have three mini-sets called something like "Dragongate: Tarkir", "Dragongate: Dominaria" and "Dragongate: Nexus" and just reference them to each other (to show the individual draft formats).
So you get one booster from each miniset and not three boosters from the 400+ cards, right? How is this conceptually different eough from a three-set block to justify putting all into one set?
Random booster packs comprise cards of entire set.
Draft booster boxes comprise packs of mini-sets. Box divided into thirds, 1/3 for each mini-set.
Some mechanics common to every mini-set. Easier to manage in a single mechanics page.
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If your comments are on a small number of specific cards, they may be better added to those cards. This is for comments on the set as a whole.