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CardName: Anomaly Sire Cost: 10 Type: Legendary Creature - Eldrazi Bat Pow/Tgh: 6/4 Rules Text: Emerge {6}{U}{B}{G}, Flying, Lifelink When you cast Anomaly Sire, target opponent sacrifices a creature. If they do, create a 3/2 eldrazi horror token. You may cast creature spells as though they have emerge. The emerge cost is equal to it's mana cost. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Mythic

Anomaly Sire
Legendary Creature – Eldrazi Bat
Emerge {6}{u}{b}{g}, Flying, Lifelink
When you cast Anomaly Sire, target opponent sacrifices a creature. If they do, create a 3/2 eldrazi horror token.
You may cast creature spells as though they have emerge. The emerge cost is equal to it's mana cost.
Illus. AI Gen
Updated on 06 Apr 2024 by Izaac

History: [-]

2017-05-26 18:42:54: Izaac created the card Anomaly Sire

Not sure if the cast trigger is powerful enough. But anyway, Emerge commander.

2017-05-26 18:43:38: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

I can't see any reason for the extra words. This is a 10- or 9-mana creature; I'm sure unconditional rearrange 6 is OK. Scry 6 would actually be rather nifty and I don't think overpowered.

But anyway, yes, the idea of an Emerge commander is nice. Lots of disposable or recyclable creatures, lots of fatties with ETB triggers, sounds... great for the kind of players who like that kind of thing :)

(And I like that emerge, while powerful, is card disadvantage, to offset some of the grindy card advantage these colours tend to get.)

2017-05-28 17:09:30: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

Changed the cast trigger.

Interestingly, as a commander, emerging makes it pseudo-immune to the commander tax

2017-05-28 17:15:42: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

The commander tax still applies to casting it for its emerge cost, so it's "immune" in a fashion more similar to Karador, Ghost Chieftain than to Derevi.

2017-05-29 15:20:02: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

Oh that's neat.

I thought scry 6 was a bit odd and.. "Ehh"

Decided to spice it up a bit with an ability that fits it's colours.

2017-05-29 16:36:49: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

The ETB-triggers all seem a little unconnected and unmotivated. I certainly like the direction this is developping more than the scry 6 ability though.

The name and "Eldrazi Bat" lack a feel of the legendary as well.

Well all the emerge creatures are Innistad critters beefed up by the eldrazi. Bat's didn't get one. I figure the artwork would go a long way to helping this.

Secondly, it's not an etb trigger, it's a cast trigger like the others.

I want the anomaly sire to be a like a mother. It allows all your other creatures to burst forth from your weenies and now it allows you to have creatures burst forth from creatures your opponents control. For more flavour that would mean "Destroy thing, make token" but isn't that just busted?

2017-05-30 03:10:12: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

So this shouldn't make token copies but Eldrazi... thematically speaking.

Also it seems wrong to only bounce the creature your babies "burst forth from" - and especially only from those that get bounced.

If you want to sell a story, sell it with all your power: "When you cast ~, target creature's controller sacrifices it. If they do, create a 3/2 colorless Eldrazi Horror creature token."

Still don't see why an Eldrazi Bat is more legendary than an Eldrazi Fish - or more motherly than an Eldrazi Boar. The theme and mechanics are not yet quite in tune.

2017-06-02 13:51:25: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire
2017-10-21 06:20:36: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire

Considering making this a bird. It could keep flying and it's more of a motherly thing than a bat.

2018-02-12 06:33:57: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire
2018-02-25 12:32:10: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire
2018-02-25 13:08:31: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire:

Testing out images

2018-02-25 13:12:40: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire
2018-05-21 07:14:06: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire
2024-04-06 18:11:43: Izaac edited Anomaly Sire:

Sorry to necro, but I wanted to change the art to something that's arguably less stolen

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